Wednesday, July 24, 2013

No Longer A Free Country

Never really was free. As always, they lied to all of us; we're very fucking sorry anyone was so stupid/ignorant as to believe it.

Look at this dose of robo-fascism:
Thank you for your contribution! Please watch your language and post only truthful information.
After reading "watch your language" (The hell does that mean anyway? "Watch" your "language?" Be sure we aren't speaking anything but English in these United Snakes?) we removed all the "fucks" & "fuckings," but left "whores." (They may as well be on a street corner asking people if they want a "date" as selling cut-rate & surely bogus car insurance on the damned telephone. People selling anything are the fucking lowest of a low species.)

Then a fucking robot censored our statement of fact. ("Hell" just fine, "whores" not? "Whores" is nothing but truthful info. Whatever. Consistency never a strong suit of the phonily[stricken as redundant] moralistic.)

This abuse of our rights did not decrease our white-hot anger one fucking iota. Nor did a functionally illiterate witch having a damn robot call us & then say if you want cheap insurance stay on the line or press one or whatever it was makes us any less enraged. For fuck's* sake!! Having a robot initiate a call & then asking someone to press whatever to hear more is fairly equivalent to people about to be killed in cold blood by Nazis being forced to dig their own mass grave/pit. (Not exactly equivalent, but centimeters close.)
*For a change, a question rather than a prescription from the Grammar Nazi: Should "for fuck's sake" have an apostrophe? Looks better w/, but we will entertain suggestions.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

And now they're coming for your Social Security, part eleventy-jillion.

They want it back, so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.

M. Bouffant said...

Violent Revolution Editor:
Wrong link but we found what you meant. Page eight of this is a list of people we will shoot dead as soon as we've saved enough SS moolah to buy guns & ammo. The real thing, not the magazine.

We're actually more concerned about housing subsidization (& a new landlord) than Social Insecurity. We've already gotten letters advising us of sequester effects. Attempts to put us back on the street will fucking result in a rage that won't be stopped.

P.S.: Keep ticking us off w/ stuff like this & you may be charged as an accessory, if not an accomplice. Just saying.

Weird Dave said...

Is fuck plural or possessive?

M. Bouffant said...

Intuitive Editor:
Guess it is possessive here. No wonder it looked right w/ the apostrophe.