Feedly blows, bites, sucks, chews, & eats it raw. DIAF, feedly assholes. Whichever iNternet shithead (a
Slate shithead,
we believe) sucked us in w/ a chart/tree that claimed feedly was the best Reader replacement for our purposes can die in the same fire, & we hope his ugly mother dies in it too. (Does everyone everywhere have to be incompetent jerks?)
other shitpile where we transferred our feeds currently offers this:
Nice picture, but does it keep us from
wanting to commit wholesale murder? Hell no!! |
Enough is enough. Do not expect anything current, topical or relevant in this space in the future. (And why should you expect a damn thing, really?) This space is going to degenerate into an expression of rage which may or may not keep our simmering rage from boiling over into meatspace where a man can cut a bitch.
"We Give Up"
What took you so long?
Resistance is feudal.
Huh. Weird.
I've fallen in love with Feedly. I was just thinking this morning I should have left that old creaking Google Reader long ago.
This is everything I want in an RSS Reader, and nothing more or less.
Can't imagine what is causing your frustration. Now, to be fair, I started all over - I decided not to import my feeds but rather to rebuild them from the ground up. And they are faster, cleaner and easier to manage than I could have hoped...
Angriest Editor in The World:
Nope. The fucking "X" that one could use to mark a story as read (on the right when hovering) didn't always work. I.e., we'd mark something as read & it would still be there the next time we opened feedly. We complained; apparently their solution was to disappear the "X". (Which now appears to be back, as of 30 secs. ago.) Still, we are the last weasel on earth to need the aggravation. And now we have 2,640 items to wade through because we weren't bothering earlier. Total suckfest/clusterfuck.
We'll give them credit for letting us locate all our bitching in one spot. (May not work for you, of course, as you aren't us. Lucky bastard.) Here is our best complaint, if (you care &) it doesn't work:
"Hey, feedly people!!! Have you noticed that this problem has been going on since at least 17 March? Why can't you do anything about it? Are you all really that stupid?
Just return the X that (until today) appeared when hovering over an item, & make sure it works. That can't really be that hard, can it?
Or maybe you could ask the evil doers at Google to let you have their Reader code, since they aren't using it anymore, & you could learn how professionals do it.
Dunno what your tool loan policy is, but if we ever ask to borrow a gun, you probably shouldn't indulge us.
Fuck, a few more days of this general aggravation & we'll have to take up boozing & smoking again just so we can vaguely enjoy a probably shortened (may be a good thing) but calmer existence.
Questioning Editor:
And, are you using it on a mobile device? Seemed to be a lot of "swiping your finger" instructions in the "help" section.
And do you use/give a shit about sharing crap from the feed? We don't but people seemed to like that about Reader.
Believe it or shove it, we're fairly easy to please if the shit works; GReader was just fine for us.
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