Thursday, July 25, 2013

Arm Yourselves Against Police Terror Before It's Too Late!!!

The thundering sound of a snail drum being expended, a cloud of stupidity & a hearty "fuck you!" It's the Pin-Dicked Chief, Mark Kessler!The chief, for all his talk about "libtards manning up" (Chief, everyone knows people who talk like that are pin-dicks, overt gun fetishists or not.) somehow isn't man enough to allow comments on his YouTube channel.

What he "apologized" for:Fear of "gun-grabbers," U.N. paranoia: The 1963 John Birch Society manifesto. At least he managed to work John Kerry ("Traitor!") in; no one can accuse him of being stuck in the past.

The mayor of what is undoubtedly a festering shithole of pain & suffering is all about personal responsibility & accountability:
Gilberton Mayor Mary Lou Hannon said Monday night that she could not comment on the video because she hadn't seen it yet.

She said she learned of the posting Sunday and plans to view it today along with the borough secretary and borough council members.

"I'll go from there," Hannon said.

She said that what Kessler does when he is off duty is not governed by Gilberton while he is not representing the borough. "What he does in his private life, we have no control of," Hannon said.
New concept in policing: Like, whatever. Do your own thing, man.

How is he not representing when he bills himself as Chief Kessler on his drooler website & YouTube channel? Not to mention what he does in "duty uniform," described & in the video below.

A look into what passes for the chief's mind. Was there not a written test for the position? His crime reports must be a joy to read. CSA$500 say he moves his lips on the few occasions he reads.
please help support Chief Mark Kessler's police department with much needed funding to secure A new police vehicle, for those who don't know about chief Kessler he was the VERY FIRST law enforcment officer in the nation to write legislation and ask his local elected officials to pass protecting the second amendment, virtually nullifying ALL unconstitutional gun laws! and as you may know every law on the books that regulate firearms, ammunition or firearm accessories are 100% unconstitutional and no one has the right to pass any laws regulating any arms , PERIOD!, Chief Kessler's actions caused a nation wide movement! many more towns, cities, boroughs , even entire states passed identical or similar legislation, but all of it started by one simple man, one small police department , one small borough, just goes to showone person can make a HUGE difference! please help support Chief kessler's police department , any amount helps, even if you can only afford 5.00 every bit helps. Chief Kessler stood up for your second amendment right, he is asking to help support his department. Please consider donating to a good cause!


Chief Kessler
(Entire sad mess is sic.) Yes, he wants people to pony up for a new police car. Kee-rist, his dick must actually be concave if he's so desperate for gun & car extensions for his unit. This video is at the top of the chief's money-grubbing page. Around (1:30) he shows us a picture of "Nancy Pelosi" & shoots it up (3:55). While wearing his "duty uniform" & his badge (0:30). We're sure this is entirely on his own time & doesn't represent anything, right Mayor Hannon?We do wonder about possible reactions if the Borough of Gilberton "mans up" & fires this dog-murdering (What a fucking sissy.) danger to the community. (And to himself: Mr. Tactical shot himself in the hand w/ his own rod while involved in a bar fight two yrs. ago, when he was off-duty.) Dan White time is our guess, & it'd be no great loss if he did plug some or all of the council members. They'd be getting just what they deserve for having hired him. Blowback, bit-chezz!!

We also wonder when a "libtard"* has made a video in which a right-wing figure or politician was murdered in effigy again & again & again & again? Both sides do it, so it must have happened. Once. Somewhere. Or the left is not so stupid that it'd be made public.
*Is this wonderful coinage O.K. w/ Sarah Palin? Why not? She's a fucking hypocrite like the rest of 'em.


Rev. paleotectonics said...

Few of these fuckers will ever own their bullshit.
Dan White - "I did it because, umm, Twinkies! I can haz freedumb?"
Chief Slapnuts - "Did it on my own time. I'll protect and serve libtards when on shift. Really."
C'mon, fucker, if we libtards are so dangerous, you're a cop - start arresting. Show your convictions. Shoot a family of granolas. Close a food bank for lack of capitalism.

OBS said...

At least one of the local fuckers is heading to jail. Not for long enough, of course. Still, I imagine he'll have quite a fun time in there.

mistah charley, ph.d. said...

Hate never yet dispelled hate. Only love dispels hate. This is the law, Ancient and inexhaustible. - The Dhammapada - The Sayings of the Buddha

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'd say he's disqualified himself. But I'm not the mayor...

M. Bouffant said...

Twinkies Back Soon Editor:
El Jefe should start arresting abortion providers for murder, too.

C'mon, don't two hates make a love? Or is that two wrongs make a ... make a, mmm ...

We see OBS's Eugene friend likes to wear his black Gestapo tactical uniform just like Chief K.

As if the mayor's qualified. This is exactly why we can't have democracy.