Monday, July 22, 2013

Who Fucking Cares?

Another Royal Brat/Pseudo-Human Reptiloid Hatched

Time again to suggest that the fucking wimp Limeys have a revolution & KILL THE QUEEN & ALL THE PRINCES!!!! Sweet fucking damn, the royals are nothing but a collection of nasty rich people in a decadent shithole of a country where the parasitism of the wealthy has not only been made hereditary by custom & tradition (as it is in most of the nations in this world of shit, pain & class struggle) but by law as well. Which should result in almost instant separation of heads from the bodies of the ruling & wealthy classes of chinless balding inbreds that are the top of the Limey heap. Alas, no. Fucking sheep.

And for fucking Americans to be devoting more than 15 secs. of their already limited attention spans & mental capacities to being excited about this royalist crap rather than calling for drone strikes on this anti-democratic nation of twits is just another revelation of the hypocrisy that makes homo sapiens the first known species that will knowingly destroy itself.

That many of the English are so ecstatic about the birth of yet another parasite that will suck from the body public is further indication that the sheer masochism of the humanoid species eating itself will make its end well-deserved. Even the horrid Americans managed to throw off the Anglo-parasites, & well over 200 yrs. ago. And the French. Are the English a little slow? Or so slow as to be mentally disabled? (That islander inbreeding is not, of course, limited to the parasitical classes. Fuck, it's like a nation of people from the former Confederate states. A cousin-sex lollapalooza.)

Last but actually most important, are none of these people aware of human over-population of the Earth? Every greedy screaming mouth added to this already overloaded planet is another nail in the planetary coffin.


Weird Dave said...

Inbred and over-privileged.

Weird Dave said...

Speaking of Royal Crap, I had to look it up too.