Monday, July 29, 2013

A Point Not To Be Missed

Why we are completely screwed.
This is another point about the modern Republican Party that some people miss: With some exceptions, Republican politicians aren’t “pandering” to their base, or even scared of their base. They are their base. They consume the same media and believe the same crazy things. The only major difference between Senator Mike Lee and a random RedState diarist is occupation.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

We wouldn't be screwed if, when the GOP blows itself up with incompetence and greed, the opposition party would come in with the intent to do right by their base and hold power.

But of course, they don't.

It's "WHEEE! Our turn to drive the corporate grift machine! WHEEE!"

Next thing you know, the bad cop is back behind the wheel again.