Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hot Rails to Duller


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Look, the Tribune Company has about finished ruining the L.A. Times, and is getting ready to dump it.


BadTux said...

Why is Superman catching that package on fire with his heat-ray vision? And when did male porn star with male porn 'stache become a slip'n'fall lawyer? Curious penguins are... curious!

M. Bouffant said...

Humid Rails Editor:
Can't remember if the actual fish-wrapper is US$1.00 or a dollar fifty daily. Either way, it & the iNternet version are dead to us. Dead, you hear!!

The mustache Abogado Dominguez sports is not known as a "porn 'stache" in the Hispanic/Latino/Spanish-surnamed community.

Obviously Supes there is a terrorist igniting a bomb.

Weird Dave said...

Too duller?