Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Xmas

Last night there was a plastic Xmas tree, w/ blinking red & green lights, in the office here at the Neon Motel. Tonight, the lone palm tree, in the parking lot in front of the office, was garlanded in red & white lights. We don't want to get anyone excited about Consumermass too early, but we may show you a picture sometime soon. It's very festive.


Larry Harmon said...

So, Bouff, Mr Mike tells me that you got ejected so that the motel owners could avoid the 30-day rule. Where are you now?

M. Bouffant said...

Homelessness Ed Responds:

Had to spend the night, not at the Wilcox Hotel, but the West L. A. Travelodge. Am now back at the previous spot, in the very same room. (Cheaper, though not as nice.)

It's actually a 21-day limit. You get squatter's rights or something if you stay that long, but you only need to sleep elsewhere for one night.