Friday, July 11, 2014

Today In Censorship

Bored? (Who isn't? Fuck, how can you stand it?) This should distract you for a few seconds: Go to Wonkette, type the word "AdBlock" into a comment box & hit submit.
Ha ha, funny huh? And to think I was offering a solution to the ingrates there bitching about the fucking adverts.

I'd love to see the Wonkette list of banned words they program their Nazi robot "administrator" (Robot Nazi admin.?) to toss down the memory hole.

By the way, WEB OF EVIL allows virtually anything in its mostly deserted comments section, while absolving itself (a limited liability corporation) of any responsibility for what jerks type there. So leave your comments here, where the deleting's done by humans, as Gawd intended, not by Nazi book-burning robots.

P.S.: Before I'd even finished this mess Intense Debate Notifications notified:
REDACTED replied to your comment on Hi! How About All Y'all Stop Yelling At Me About The Ads? A Message From Your Editrix/Wonkette:
Probably. And if it disappeared the moment you hit post it was automated. You simply used one of the verboten magic words
Uh huh. Intense Debate notified the in-box but it's yet to appear at Wonkette. Also, four hrs. ago "AdBlock Plus" appeared. Twice. Mmmm. They work fast.


OBS said...

I accidentally used a browser on another computer without adblock installed and I was completely shocked at how fucking awful the internet is if you have to look at the ads. I know sites run on ad revenue, but holy shit, NO.

When your site becomes completely unusable and/or takes fucking minutes to load the million ads and then finally displays one tiny piece of content: fuck you, I'm blocking that shit.

M. Bouffant said...

Mad Men Editor:
YouTube w/o AdBlock is horrifying. Well, YouTube's horrifying anyway, but w/ ads it's worse.

Tengrain said...

Well, places like yours and mine are now the exception to the rule: ad free and like the best bars, open to debating the idiot next to you.

I only play admin when the talk becomes eliminationist.

