homo sapiens to a T, but the T here is for Tejas, where
armed loons are headed for the border:
Nine ninnies at Camp Doofus, TX. |
In an
interview with the Express-News last month, Chris Davis, commander of the militia's Operation Secure Our Border: Laredo Sector, who is seen in some of the photos, said members would secure the border in a "legal and lawful manner."
In 21-minute YouTube video that has since been deleted, Davis said: "How? You see an illegal. You point your gun dead at him, right between his eyes, and you say, 'Get back across the border or you will be shot.'"
Davis, a 37-year-old truck driver from Von Ormy, was discharged from the Army in 2001 "under other than honorable conditions in lieu of trial by court-martial," according to a
summary of his military service obtained by the Express-News.
The Texas militia's operation names, according to Rogers, are: Bolinas Border Patrol, Central Valley Militia, Independent Citizens Militia, Alpha Team, Bravo Team, FOB Harmony, Operation Secure Our Border: Laredo Sector, O'Shanessy's Team, the 77's and Camp Geronimo.
It would be hilariously pathetic if they only had paint-ball guns.
Quite the collection of small penises.
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