Friday, July 11, 2014


Long story short, something stupid about this clichéd NRO item started here, but when curiosity led us to Molly Wharton's short but sweet NRO c.v. that crap was by the damn wayside waving its thumb at truckers.

Ladies & germs, I give you William F. Buckley's heritage of intellect & reason, today's Conservative Id, as distilled by Ms. Wharton in her first six wks. typing hard at NRO:The interns/newest hires at NRO must have to shovel the rawest of red meat to the rubes, & several times a day. Welcome to wing-nut welfare, Ms. Wharton.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


mikey said...

Wow. You gotta admire her work ethic...

M. Bouffant said...

Dismissive Editor Sniffs:

Wharton cranked out 102 (0r 103, not counting a third time.) in six wks*. WEB OF EVIL produced 161 in the same 2 June to 11 July period. Course I "work" wknds., too, but that's another testimony to my ethic.

Quite the hive of scum & paranoia there. They're sho' nuff consistent in their view that any Democratic act of governance or politics = HITLER!!!

*Nagonna speculate about the new hire's duties for J. Goldberg.