Monday, July 21, 2014

Threat Or Promise?
(You Never Know Until It's Too Late)

At last, the State of Israel has its own little Hitler:
On Sunday, the captain of a youth soccer team in Be’er Sheva wrote on his Facebook page: "send left-wing voters to the gas chambers and clean this country of leftists."
O.K., when the fucking hell can we start talking about scourging the planet? I mean it. (Man.)

I'm fed up w/ reading the same tired iNternet bullshit over & over, from both sides & all divisions thereof. (Yes yes yes, I know it's "always projection." When the hell do we start shooting the lights out of their fucking projectors then?)

Not to ignore the actual & atrocious activities your grotesque species commits in meatspace & wallows in on a daily basis in cyberspace when you murdering torturing apes aren't busy typingflinging your feces at each other & lying like rugs in digital packets.)

All of you loudmouthed assholes: Get your stubby trained-monkey fingers off the keyboards & put them inside a trigger guard where your big mouths already think they are, or just shut. The. Fuck. Up.

If you haven't the intestinal (or artisanal) fortitude to stand up for your moronic beliefs behind a weapon, expect me to use your keyboard to break your fingers & then smash the keyboard over your head, rendering both plastic objects more inert than they already are. (Not a one of you have any idea how awful you are; a species of seven billion chunks of undifferentiated tissue so foolish boring & idiotic that I'm driven to such agonizing ennui I want them all dead & am more willing to act on that impulse as each hr. speeds by.)

Political power (& solutions) come from the barrel of a gun. (Chairman Mao my ass, that's been American gospel since the first American/Incan/Aztec talked back to a Spaniard & had his head blown off for his trouble. As an American, why should I be any different?) And considering the actual problem facing your ugly world of shit & pain is simply that there are far too many rats caged in it, virtually none of whom contribute anything but unintentional & unwitting participation in the oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange, the sooner we start ending this mess the better. Not getting any younger here. (Neither are you, whether you feel/admit it or not.)

So "Bring it on!" & "Suck on this!" (More of the scintillating discourse that's made me fall in mad love w/ humanity all over again. Also fuck you wherever it hurts.)


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

A shanda fur die goyim. Israel will be destroyed by these right-wingers and the ultra-Orthodox before they are ever destroyed by Palestinians.

M. Bouffant said...

Oy! Editor:
Well, not as if the Yankee goyim are blameless.

I understand never again, but shouldn't it apply to what was done to your ancestors & relatives too?

Funny thing, I'm so jaded (or old/demented) that the context of an Israeli soccer hooligan calling for gassing anyone didn't really sink in 'til I read it again just now; "clean the country" was putrid enough.

No excuse, either.