Monday, July 21, 2014

Tomorrow On WEB OF EVIL

As an American, & as an American web log* we will continue calling for rabid violence as the solution (And final, baby!) to any & all problems, just as real & patriotic American Stephen Steinlight does. (Note audience reaction.) Should it disappear (& for those like us too slothful to turn it off once the good stuff's over) the prime cut of raw meat:Also planned: Testing the limits of free speech by being dumb enough to actually try it/talking real tough about many a moron, mostly to determine if "the gov't." (or any iNternet provider this tripe passes through) really is reading/reporting any of this & actually gives anything resembling anything about a toothless buffoon shouting vague threats at clouds. (Or lots & lots of images of clouds. Hmmm ...)

And we might unearth a thin-skinned authoritarian hypocrite or two w/ a Google Self-Alert who likes to invoke the power of the state just because it's been suggested that he she or it would make a very interesting tableau w/, oh, I dunno, a splintered broomstick, maybe?

*Trying to be as American as these Michigan monsters:
Hooky though.

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