Saturday, November 5, 2011

5 November

Guy Fawkes Day. Why the hell aren't people blowing/haven't people blown something up? We've some suggestions should you need any. Wall Street, for one.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I can name a deserving newspaper:

Fox on 15th Street

(aka The War Criminal Post)

Glennis said...

My son tells us that he is working on Guy Fawkes Day, in his job as an on-call events staffer.

He will be serving champagne and hors d'whatevers to toffs at an event at the Greenwich Yacht Club (in the UK)

M. Bouffant said...

English Editor:

Yes, actually a victory for the Tory toffs, if we aren't mistaken. Plenty of fireworks in celebration, too.