Saturday, November 12, 2011

Burger Report

We're pretty sure we chowed down here at least once, as much as 25 yrs. ago. No actual memory of the burger.
Judging from the signage & the way things are around here, it may no longer be under the original ownership, but it's on the list for another visit.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

We need pictures of the World's Best Hamburgers.

M. Bouffant said...


It'll only be "World Best Hamburgers" if we ever get back to Cassell's for one.

keyote said...

You won't regret it...great burgers. They have a custom grill that cooks the burger on both sides at once, so it's grilled quick, to order. You build the burger youself, including house-made mayo. The potato salad is a little weird--it has horseradish in it. I used to go to meetings at a county building up the block--Cassal's made it worth the trip.

M. Bouffant said...

Locavore Editor:

Ah ha! We weren't sure it was a build-your-own spot, but thought it might be. (We weren't sure we weren't confusing it w/ Hamptons, where they had all their weird toppings available buffet-style.) Horsey sauce in the tater salad sounds good to this reporter.

The County ISD bldg.? (As if there's another county bldg. in the next blk.)

Adam Eli Clem said...

So good