Monday, November 28, 2011

Lies, Damned Lies & Animation

Another piece of Herman Cain performance art. We were merely listening while we typed this & were amused by the idiotic Lafferism/half-baked Randism that assaulted our shell-like ears. Bet the visuals are worth a peep. Let's see!Must-see! But why didn't radio professional, Bab-tiss preacher & song stylist extraordinaire Cain do the voice-over himself? Points added for the shit-brown background.

OK, really no kidding must-see-&-hear BONUS "999/666/999" & Grover Norquist verbatim shorter! (10 sec., & worth every one.)"Put in a sump pump!!"

ADDED: ++BONUS (Full service here, no clicking about willy-nilly!) compromise: The above & this 30 sec. trailer.Never forget:Can not possibly be "real," in any real sense of the word.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

He should get Ginger White to do the voice-over.

M. Bouffant said...

Anime Editor:
