Sunday, May 31, 2009

Reductio Ad Absurdum

Sadly, No! points to a site based on the Sabbath gasbags. This goes far beyond "we read it so you don't have to." It takes 45 mins. of "real" time to watch an inside the Beltway gabfest, not the five to ten mins. max. to wade through an Internet screed. 
We especially appreciate the attention devoted to Chris Matthews' half-hour vanity hour, "The Chris Matthews Show." Urk. We can only imagine that for MSNBC to keep their highest rated "personality" they had to agree to let him pretend to be serious for 30 mins. a wk., & to force this down the craw of every station that runs it. Sweet blood of Jesus, Tweety, move back to PA, run against Specter, & spare the rest of the nation your tingling leg.
Added to Bogroll. See: The Bobblespeak Translations

On The Same Stupid Subject, Whch Is Irksome & Tedious After 30 Secs.

Obama should take wife to Liquor Barn, watch pay-per-view, fall asleep in drunken stupor "just like the rest of us," furious GOP says

Just Overheard On The Telebision:

"Lucy, will you stop that racket so I can think?"Followed by a cookin' for tee vee version of "Cuban Pete," w/ Lucy doing the hoochie-coo. What a country.  Bonus later episode: Now the fabulous Frank Nelson is spritzing Lucy w/ a seltzer bottle, & otherwise abusing her, w/ that shit-eating grin of his. What a world.

31 May: Big Day in S. African History; No Clear Victor Off Jutland

By The Associated Press 14 mins ago Today is Sunday, May 31, the 151st day of 2009. There are 214 days left in the year. Other stuff from the AP. A/V. UPI Almanac. Today's Highlight in History: On May 31, 1889, more than 2,000 people perished when a dam break sent water rushing through Johnstown, Pa.On this date: In 1790, U.S. President George Washington signed into law the first U.S. copyright law. Two hundred years ago, in 1809, composer Franz Joseph Haydn died in Vienna at age 77. In 1819, poet Walt Whitman was born in West Hills, N.Y.In 1902, Britain and South Africa signed a peace treaty ending the Boer War. In 1910, the Union of South Africa was founded. In 1916, during World War I, British and German fleets fought the naval Battle of Jutland off Denmark; there was no clear-cut victor, although the British suffered heavier losses. Sixty years ago, in 1949, former State Department official Alger Hiss went on trial in New York, charged with perjury. (The jury ended up deadlocked, but Hiss was convicted in a second trial.) In 1961, South Africa became an independent republic. In 1962, Gestapo official Adolf Eichmann was hanged in Israel for his role in the Holocaust.
In 1970, tens of thousands of people died in an earthquake in Peru. In 1977, the trans-Alaska oil pipeline, three years in the making, was completed. Twenty years ago, in 1989, House Speaker Jim Wright, dogged by questions about his ethics, announced he would resign. (Tom Foley later succeeded him.) Fifteen years ago, in 1994, the United States announced it was no longer aiming long-range nuclear missiles at targets in the former Soviet Union. Ten years ago: During a Memorial Day visit to Arlington National Cemetery, President Bill Clinton asked Americans to reconsider their ambivalence about Kosovo, calling it "a very small province in a small country. But it is a big test of what we believe in." In Turkey, the treason trial of Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan opened. (Ocalan was later convicted and sentenced to death, but the death sentence was commuted to life in prison in 2002.) In 2003, bombing suspect Eric Rudolph was arrested outside a grocery store in Murphy, N.C. (He later pleaded guilty to four bombings - including those at a Birmingham. Ala., abortion clinic and at the Atlanta Olympics - and was sentenced to four life terms.) Five years ago: In Memorial Day tributes, President George W. Bush declared that "America is safer" because of its fighting forces while Sen. John Kerry visited the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. A bomb ripped through a Shiite Muslim mosque in Karachi, Pakistan, during evening prayers, killing at least 19 people. Alberta Martin, one of the last widows of a Confederate veteran of the Civil War, died in Enterprise, Ala., at age 97. In 2005, former FBI official W. Mark Felt stepped forward as "Deep Throat," the secret Washington Post source that helped bring down President Richard M. Nixon during the Watergate scandal. One year ago: Space shuttle Discovery and a crew of seven blasted into orbit, carrying a giant Japanese lab addition to the international space station. Month-End Bonus: Currently Dead White Males Born on This Date-- Surgeon William Mayo, founder of the Mayo Clinic, in 1819 (same year as Wally Whitman); radio humorist Fred Allen in 1894;
clergyman-author Norman Vincent Peale in 1898; actor Don Ameche in 1908; U.S. Sen. Henry Jackson, D-Wash., in 1912; Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1923; & country singer Johnny Paycheck in 1938.
Today's Birthdays: Actress Elaine Stewart is 80. Actor-director Clint Eastwood is 79. Singer Peter Yarrow is 71. Former Anglican Church envoy Terry Waite is 70. Singer-musician Augie Meyers is 69. Actress Sharon Gless is 66. Football Hall of Famer Joe Namath is 66. Actor Tom Berenger is 59. Actor Gregory Harrison is 59. Actress Roma Maffia is 51. Comedian Chris Elliott is 49. Actor Kyle Secor is 49. Actress Lea Thompson is 48. Singer Corey Hart is 47. Actor Hugh Dillon is 46. Rapper DMC is 45. Actress Brooke Shields is 44.  Today in Entertainment History -- On May 31, 1958, Sheb Wooley's "Purple People Eater" hit the top of the pop charts and stayed there for six weeks.
[All the staff here found "Purple People Eater" quite amusing when it first came out, 51 loooong years ago. — Ed.] In 1961, Chuck Berry opened Berry Park, an outdoor amusement park in Wentzville, Mo. In 1976, The Who got into the Guinness Book of World Records as the loudest rock band ever, when their concert in England measured 120 decibels. That record has since been broken. In 1977, Emerson, Lake and Palmer began a tour of the U.S. accompanied by a 70-piece orchestra. In 1978, The Trammps' "Disco Inferno" album went gold. Twenty years ago, in 1989, the first International Rock Awards Ceremony was held in New York City. The Traveling Wilburys' "Volume One" was named album of the year, Guns N' Roses won artist of the year, and newcomer of the year went to Living Colour. [Has it ever been held again? Never heard of it, not that we're exactly up on awards ceremonies. — Ed.] In 1990, "Seinfeld" made its debut as "The Seinfeld Chronicles" on NBC. In 1995, Ted Nugent placed his handprint and signature in cement in the Hollywood Rock Walk. In 1996, singer Elsbeary Hobbs, who sang bass with The Drifters, died of throat and lung cancer in New York. He was 59. In 1998, singer Geri Halliwell, better known as Ginger Spice, quit the Spice Girls. In 2000, singer Johnnie Taylor died of an apparent heart attack at a hospital in Dallas. He was 62. He's probably best known for songs like "Who's Making Love" and "Disco Lady." That same day, Latin bandleader Tito Puente died in New York from complications from open heart surgery. He was 77. In 2006, Katie Couric appeared for the last time on NBC's "Today" show after 15 years on the program. She left to anchor the CBS Evening News."
Thought for Today: "One does not love a place the less for having suffered in it unless it has all been suffering, nothing but suffering." — Jane Austen, British novelist (1775-1817). [Well then, imagine how the editor here feels about your benighted shithole of a planet & the time lost thereon. — Ed.]

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Annals Of WTF?: "The Diva And His Wife"

Better to have a President holed up at his imaginary rancho, clearing brush during the hottest month of the yr., or sitting in the White House by himself watching football & "choking on a pretzel," than to have a President & First Lady who do what normal people w/ a few bucks to spare might do. You know, stimulate the economy. Not on the other side of the River Styx, however. 
Evita & Michelle Spend Your Money For Broadway Junket
Can all this "arrogant diva" crap come from anything more than racism? Why is this arrogance a good thing when represented by a "cowboy swagger," but bad when represented by dinner & a show in the Big Apple? Rank, filthy hypocrisy is why. Whenever someone who re-cycled a can once, or suggested that pumping tons of shit into the atmosphere may not be the wisest thing ever takes a plane somewhere, they shriek "Carbon footprint!" & "Hypocrisy!" but the trappings of power (usually the necessities of security, as in Nancy Pelosi's plane) are only bad & undeserved when a Democrat has them. A woman or an African-American getting a "free ride" only worsens the arrogance.  Class warfare? Not these patriots. Don't they think rich people are just great? To Bruce, envy & resentment are class warfare only when socialists bring them up. He brings it up, it's a perfectly rational question. 
How many of you have been able to jet back-and-forth to NYC lately?
Our guess? A hell of a lot more people in Bruce's audience can jet around than have been elected President lately. Maybe if the moochers & parasites would work a little harder, they could enjoy themselves instead of bitching on the Internet.
And the usual Americans are suckers outro:
I wonder when the American people will wake up and realize that they elected a Diva and his Wife to the White House. While Barack spends our future in billions and billions of dollars [sic], he enjoys a Broadway show tonight.  Good one, Mr. President. That hurt.
What the hell does that even mean? Why bother to mock something that inane? Huh? Because it's that inane. Yeah, OK. Good thing we're not an arrogant diva, we might think we had something better to do w/ our unlimited (until death) supply of time than abuse sad sack patriots.

The Disturbed Woman Who Cried "Wolf!" Until She Became Hoarse (Or A Horse's Ass)

Is America going to take this laying [sic] down? This is a coup. Smooth, slick and Obamafied, but America is most certainly under attack from within. We need an insurrection. We must fight this, but the pussified Republicans are stuck in some impotent inertia. We need Washington! Jefferson! Paine! Calling all Americans!
Holy crap, you'd think the trains to the camps had been rolling by on the evening news for a wk. now, & nobody had said word one. It's a coup! Were the members of Congress dragged out, kicking & screaming, & drowned in the Tidal Basin?
Not quite. The White House said
First, we will expand the restriction on oral communications to cover all persons, not just federally registered lobbyists. For the first time, we will reach contacts not only by registered lobbyists but also by unregistered ones, as well as anyone else exerting influence on the process. We concluded this was necessary under the unique circumstances of the stimulus program.
Oversight of slick lobbyists attempting to influence stimulus funds is not a good thing in this world (although paranoid excitement about the inherent badness of stimulus is a good thing). First they stopped the lobbyists from having undue influence, & we said nothing. The next move should have been obvious.
[I]t is not at all difficult to look down the path and see the day coming when it will Sharia provisions restricting speech about Islam will be in place in the United States of America, and it will be illegal to speak about the Islamic supremacist agenda. Most, of course, will dismiss such concerns the way they always dismiss them: with a wave of the hand and an invocation of the First Amendment -- as if the First Amendment were some kind of inviolate shield that cannot itself ever in any way be impeached or impugned. Would that it were so. But the Obama Administration is already showing how little it cares for free speech and open dissent. And with an Obama-compliant Supreme Court judging cases that challenge their actions and interpreting the First Amendment for us, what's to stop the Administration from playing ball with the OIC and building wonderful new bridges with the Islamic world in this way?
It's absolutely a straight line on a slippery slope from keeping lobbyists, registered & other-wise, out of the hen house, to shutting down free speech & open dissent. Surely the many convictions & jail terms suffered by brave advocates of Truth, Justice & the American Waygenocide against Arab & Muslim people like Ms. Geller & Robert "Jihad Watch" Spencer are an indication of where it will all end.

Cybersmut? Where?

We keep hearing there's vile smut on the intertubing, but all we ever see is The NYT & stupid people w/ huge, undeserved egos typing about what idiots they are. Is there another internet somewhere that no one's told us about?Before any of you out there go looking for this stuff, perhaps you should stop a moment & look at the suggestions here that you may be condemning your immortal soul to an eternity in the theological place of eternal damnation. Here's one of ten:
Locals will dig #7, w/ late local yokel George "It is this reporter's opinion" Putnam, in a pre-internet, anti-capitalist smut tirade.

Who's Next?

This Ron Hamman who typed "Will the Antichrist be a homosexual?"for the Mat-Su Frontiersman (Wasilla, AK, baby!!) as much as admits that things aren't going his way, in his opening sentence:
In answering this question, it is important to assert the question does not originate with me, lest someone out there think that I am bringing some new doctrine out to bolster the political climate. But as the study of Bible prophecy includes verbiage as to the behavior of the one called “that Wicked” by Paul in II Thessalonians, it is not only a legitimate question to ask, but also one to answer.
Way to weasel, non-bolsterer: "I didn't start it!" Of course, when you're typing from the Bizarro-World thesaurus exclusive to your biblically-addled brain, words don't mean so much to begin w/, do they?
This is obviously a chance to pick on the pansies, rather than a serious (where "serious" = # of angels/head of pin) discussion of the end times & for whom to look (Perez Hilton?) when Anti-Christ spotting. And Pastor Ron's typing stylings, while off, don't come near some of the greats of the field. So the only thing we'll note is that the last-ditch defense against non-opposite marriage is reduced to a reduction of the traditionalist doctrine:
From a lost perspective, the reason sex sells, pornography is profitable, and prostitution is “the world’s oldest profession” is mankind’s desire of women. From Christianity’s position, it is part of the glue for the bond of marriage and the propagation of a godly heritage. But homosexuality does not regard this — in their unbridled lusts they burn for their own gender.
(Is every last one of these fucks a seriously disturbed sex addict? We've had plenty of illicit fun in our time [fornication, adultery, non-reproductive sex, yada yada, since you asked] but we're not suffering from priapism 24/7, & we don't confuse our male voyeuristic gaze w/ wild uncontrollable lust that only the fear of eternal hell-fire damnation keeps in check.)
Maybe Gawd's already given up. Per the Pastor, 
And one more thing: Sodomy is the only sin for which God came down from heaven to destroy. Though God dealt with many other sins in various ways, there is no other for which he came down from heaven to verify and destroy. 
Other than that little flood thing, of course. (That was just because they wern't kissing His Ass enough, wasn't it?) Still, if Pastor Ron's Big Fucking Killer in the Sky hasn't dumped the San Francisco Peninsula into the Pacific by now, we're not sure what outrage will get His Murderous Ass off the Cosmic Couch to whack that gay gnat buzzing around the rec room.
Back, however, to our point. (We try not to mock each & every idiocy, but we're sinners who just can't say no to our burning, unbridled lusts.) When Pastor Ron's generation is gone, leaving fewer & fewer homo-fearers/haters to slow the GLBT infiltration of  "straight" society w/ their awful agenda, what Other will there be to unite his spiritual spawn in hatred? 
Judging from the heft of the average Biblical American, we doubt a campaign against those committing the sin of gluttony will get too far. 

Real-World Economics

Where Graphic Art Meets Dismal Science Need we say more? (We assume "Econcomics" was already taken.) Apparently first brought to the world's attention here.

Mad Science Fiction

Per F. Scott Fitzgerald, no second acts in American life. W/ Newt "Brainiac" Gingrich, it's hard to tell if this is the second act, or just the latest scene in an interminable act. Either way, we think he should slow down a bit, perhaps not try to cover our world so thickly w/ his essence. Between attacking Judge Sotomayor on the basis of her identity, & making grand pronouncements as to the President being a wimp who can't/won't defend the country the "right" way, we're a bit surprised that he has the manly essence left to devote himself to more fear-mongering/defense industry lobbying. But he does, as writ up good (We're being cutesy in a sadly transparent effort to cover up this whole thing being an exercise in sloth.) by Michael Crowley in TNR. Newton Leroy (at an AIPAC conference)
laid out a vision in which three small nuclear weapons detonated at the right altitude would eliminate all electricity production in the United States. Which is why, he concluded, "I favor taking out Iranian and North Korean missiles on their sites."
Oooooh-kay. (We really have to question the Republicans dragging out LBJ's "Daisy" advert last wk., after a statement like that from Newt-ron. Does he think his desire that the "smoking gun/mushroom cloud" be caused by the forces of goodness & apple pie is going to get him any new voters come 2012?) 
Government By Novelist
The godfather of the modern EMP alarmism movement is Republican congressman Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland. "This is just too horrific to be true," Bartlett explains, "so many people want to dismiss it." Bartlett, an 82-year-old retired engineer and Maryland Republican, has worried about an EMP attack since he encountered the concept over a decade ago in--yup--a potboiler novel. "I called my friend Tom Clancy," Bartlett says, to ask about Clancy's reference to the threat in one of his books. 
Retired engineer? We're surprised he's not promoting libertarian space colonies. Still serving in Congreƒs though. The recent novel (not by Tom Clancy, but by Gingrich's occasional co-author, William Forstchen) causing all the fuss has somehow leaped to the NYT best-seller list; knowing that one seldom goes broke under-estimating the taste of the American public, we're not sure what best-seller-dom means now, but the book can't be any less effective than the website linked above at "fear-mongering." Maybe it comes w/ a lead-foil hat to keep your brain from being fried like your iPod, when Obama & his socialist, pagan, nature-worshiping pals (or handlers) set off an EMP to send us back to the Stone Age, because they hate white people & their dishwashers & clothes driers.

30 May: Can You Make The Rent Monday?

By The Associated Press 2 hrs 39 mins ago Today is Saturday, May 30, the 150th day of 2009. There are 215 days left in the year. This was the original Decoration Day, which became Memorial Day, which became the fourth Monday in May when America barbecues. The AP. A/V. UPI Almanac. Today's Highlight in History: On May 30, 1431, Joan of Arc, condemned as a heretic, was burned at the stake in Rouen, France. [Below, a swell fucking picture from the Ass. Press, of a statue of Jeanne d'Arc's horse, & the bottom of her boot. No wonder newspapers are going out of business; the AP is killing them.— Ed.]On this date: In 1539, Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto landed in Florida. In 1854, the territories of Nebraska and Kansas were established. In 1883, 12 people were trampled to death when a rumor that the recently opened Brooklyn Bridge in New York was in imminent danger of collapsing triggered a stampede. In 1911, the Indianapolis 500 was run for the first time; Ray Harroun was the winner. In 1922, the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in Washington in a ceremony attended by President Warren G. Harding, Chief Justice William Howard Taft and lawyer Robert Todd Lincoln, the son of President Abraham Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd. In 1937, 10 people were killed when police fired on steelworkers demonstrating near the Republic Steel plant in South Chicago. [Have police anywhere ever fired on plutocrats? — Ed.] In 1943, American forces secured the Aleutian island of Attu from the Japanese during World War II. In 1958, unidentified American service members killed in World War II and the Korean War were interred in the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia. Fifty years ago, in 1959, Louisiana Gov. Earl K. Long was committed to a psychiatric center in Galveston, Texas, after apparently suffering a mental breakdown. [Welcome to the club, guv. Take a load off, let me just tighten the straps on that restraint. There we go. — Ed.] In 1971, the American space probe Mariner 9 blasted off from Cape Kennedy, Fla., on a journey to Mars. In 1982, Spain became NATO's 16th member. Also, Cal Ripken Jr. of the Baltimore Orioles played in the first of a record 2,632 consecutive major league baseball games, also.
Twenty years ago, in 1989, student demonstrators at Tiananmen Square in Beijing erected a 33-foot statue they called the "Goddess of Democracy."In 1996, Britain's Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson were granted an uncontested decree ending their 10-year marriage. Ten years ago: Astronauts from the space shuttle Discovery rigged cranes and other tools to the exterior of the international space station during a spacewalk; then, the astronauts entered the orbiting outpost for three days of making repairs and delivering supplies. Kenny Brack won the crash-marred Indianapolis 500, driving a car owned by racing legend A.J. Foyt. Five years ago: Saudi commandos drove al-Qaida militants from a housing complex in the kingdom's oil hub, ending a shooting and hostage-taking rampage that had left 22 dead, most of them foreigners. Gunmen in Pakistan killed a senior pro-Taliban Sunni cleric (Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai), sparking riots. Ousted Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide left Jamaica for South Africa, saying it would be his "temporary home" until he could return to Haiti. Buddy Rice won the Indianapolis 500 in the rain. One year ago: A construction crane snapped and smashed into an apartment building on Manhattan's Upper West Side, killing two workers in the city's second such tragedy in 2 1/2 months. Diplomats from 111 nations meeting in Dublin formally adopted a landmark treaty banning cluster bombs. (The United States and other leading cluster bomb makers — Russia, China, Israel, India and Pakistan — boycotted the talks.) Lorenzo Odone, whose parents' battle to save him from the rare nerve disease ALD inspired "Lorenzo's Oil," died in Fairfax, Va., a day after his 30th birthday. Today's Birthdays: Country musician Johnny Gimble is 83. Actor Clint Walker is 82. Actor Keir Dullea is 73. Actress Ruta Lee is 73. Actor Michael J. Pollard is 70. Rock musician Lenny Davidson (The Dave Clark Five) is 65. Actor Stephen Tobolowsky is 58. Actor Colm Meaney is 56. Actor Ted McGinley is 51. Actor Ralph Carter is 48. Actress Tonya Pinkins is 47. Country singer Wynonna Judd is 45. Rock musician Tom Morello (Audioslave; Rage Against The Machine) is 45. Movie director Antoine Fuqua is 44. Rock musician Patrick Dahlheimer (Live) is 38. Actress Idina Menzel is 38.Actor Trey Parker is 37, as is steroid-abuser Manny Ramirez. Rapper Cee-Lo is 35. Rapper Remy Ma is 29. Today In Entertainment History -- In 1908, Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and many other cartoon characters, & a great comic actor using his face & body, was born in San Francisco.
In 1909, the "king of swing," Benny Goodman, was born in Chicago.
[F/ "Reefer Madness" poster-child Gene Krupa on the skins, & Harry James blowing the horn, besides B. G. on the licorice stick — Jazzbo Ed.]
In 1968, The Beatles began recording the "White Album."In 1978, Swan Song Records announced that Led Zeppelin had entered the recording studio for the first time since the death of Robert Plant's son a year earlier. The sessions became the band's final album, "In Through The Out Door." In 1987, Beastie Boy Adam Horovitz was arrested in Liverpool, England, for allegedly throwing a beer can at a fan during a concert. He was later acquitted. In 1990, the band Midnight Oil gave a free concert on flatbed trucks outside of an Exxon building in response to the oil spill of the Exxon Valdez in Alaska. In 1992, singer Paul Simon married singer Edie Brickell. In 1995, Robert Dewey Hoskins was arrested for scaling the fence around Madonna's Hollywood Hills mansion. He was later convicted of stalking her. In 1996, John Tesh made his last appearance as host of "Entertainment Tonight." He stepped down after ten years to pursue his music career. [How'd that work out for you, you musical limp-dick? — Ed.]
Thought for Today: "It is impossible to enjoy idling thoroughly unless one has plenty of work to do." — Jerome K. Jerome, English author and humorist (1859-1927).
Copyright © 2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Free Speech Can Cost You (UPDATED W/ Video!)

Something interesting (That means we didn't know it before.) from HuffPo.
Arguing that about a quarter of the Hispanic vote usually remains undecided going into an election, Guerra concluded that the remarks of Gingrich, Limbaugh and others would help push a portion of that percentage more firmly Democratic.

Democrats gleefully agreed, noting in part that the issue would be exacerbated by a Hispanic media that tends to cover political news in larger chunks than its American counterpart.
Here's what we didn't know:
"This is the worst of all worlds because these are the kind of comments and quotes that rip through popular culture," said prominent Democratic pollster Celinda Lake. "And people don't realize that media outlets like Telemundo still have a lot more news content then some of the networks like CNN. And so they have longer forums where these things are commented on by pundits and observers. It will be repeated even more because Sotomayor is obviously a huge news item in Latino press. So I think these kinds of comments that people think are isolated and embarrassing actually could have a real impact culturally. And I always think pop culture has a greater impact that policy or politics."
And of course Telemundo is owned & operated by the filthy communists at General Electric, through their NBC Universal subsidiary, so we can be sure that the full pressure of the left-wing Latino liberal media will be applied. This mess runs (9:59) but MSNBC now lets us start 'em where we want to (you can still watch from the beginning, as there is plenty of stupidity & hate in the first six mins. too) so dig filthy Italo-Papist-American & failed presidential candidate Tom Tancredo as he says he doesn't know if the Obama admin. "hates white people" or not, then blames "you guys" (the media) for the Republican rout in the recent elections. Even Susan Molinari thinks that's funny.
We just think he's a stupid, lying dick.

UPDATE (30 May 2009 @ 0420 PDT): Found this while wandering around. Lest we forget.

(5:07) From Your Life That We'll Never Get Back Either

Well known boat-glower, immigrant-fearer & union-basher Mickey Kaus makes a fool of himself on (we were about to type "national telebision," but it's just), via the old, old, old gray old lady.

29 May: "If This Be Treason, Make The Most of It!"

By The Associated Press 1 hr 16 mins ago Today is Friday, May 29, the 149th day of 2009. There are 216 days left in the year. Sources: Other AP, A/V & UPI Almanac. Today's Highlight in History: On May 29, 1953, Mount Everest was conquered as Edmund Hillary, of New Zealand, and Tensing Norgay, of Nepal, became the first climbers to reach the summit.On this date: In 1765, Patrick Henry denounced the Stamp Act before Virginia's House of Burgesses, saying, "If this be treason, make the most of it!" [On his birthday, yet! — Ed.] In 1790, Rhode Island became the 13th original colony to ratify the U.S. Constitution. In 1848, Wisconsin became the 30th state of the union. In 1913, the ballet "The Rite of Spring," with music by Igor Stravinsky and choreography by Vaslav Nijinsky, had its chaotic world premiere in Paris. In 1917, the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was born in Brookline, Mass. In 1932, World War I veterans began arriving in Washington to demand cash bonuses they weren't scheduled to receive until 1945. In 1943, Norman Rockwell's portrait of "Rosie the Riveter" appeared on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post. In 1973, Tom Bradley was elected the first black mayor of Los Angeles. In 1985, 39 people were killed at the European Champions Cup Final in Brussels, Belgium, when rioting broke out and a wall separating British and Italian soccer fans collapsed. In 1995, Margaret Chase Smith, the first woman to serve in both the House and Senate, died in Skowhegan, Maine, at age 97. In 1998, Republican elder statesman Barry Goldwater died in Paradise Valley, Ariz., at age 89. Ten years ago: The space shuttle Discovery completed the first-ever docking with the international space station.Olusegun Obasanjo became Nigeria's first civilian president in 15 years, ending a string of military regimes. Five years ago: A shooting rampage by al-Qaida militants at a housing complex in Khobar, Saudi Arabia's oil hub, killed 22 people, most of them foreign oil industry workers. America dedicated a memorial to its World War II veterans on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Death claimed former Watergate special prosecutor Archibald Cox at age 92 and Sam Dash, former chief counsel of the Senate Select Committee on Watergate, at age 79. One year ago: In a crushing blow to Texas' massive seizure of children from a polygamist sect's ranch, the state Supreme Court ruled that child welfare officials overstepped their authority and the children should go back to their parents. Today's Birthdays: Actor Clifton James is 88. Former Baseball Commissioner Fay Vincent is 71. Race car driver Al Unser is 70. CBS News Correspondent Bob Simon is 68. Actor Kevin Conway is 67. Actor Helmut Berger is 65. Rock singer Gary Brooker (Procol Harum) is 64. Actor Anthony Geary is 62. Singer Rebbie Jackson is 59. Movie composer Danny Elfman is 56. Rock musician Michael Porcaro (Toto) is 54. Singer LaToya Jackson is 53. Actor Ted Levine is 52. Actress Annette Bening is 51. Actor Rupert Everett is 50. Actor Adrian Paul is 50. Singer Melissa Etheridge is 48. Actress Lisa Whelchel is 46. Actress Tracey Bregman is 46. Rock musician Noel Gallagher (Oasis) is 42. Singer Jayski McGowan (Quad City DJ's) is 42. Rock musician Chan Kinchla (Blues Traveler) is 40. Rock musician Mark Lee (Third Day) is 36. Cartoonist Aaron McGruder ("The Boondocks") is 35. Singer Melanie Brown (Spice Girls) is 34. Rapper Playa Poncho is 34. Denver Nuggets star Carmelo Anthony is 25. Today In Entertainment History -- In 1903, entertainer Bob Hope was born Leslie Townes Hope in Eltham, England. In 1942, Bing Crosby recorded "White Christmas." In 1952, country singer Hank Williams was divorced by his wife, Audrey Shepherd. In 1959, one of rock's first outdoor festivals took place in Atlanta, Georgia, featuring Ray Charles, B.B. King, Ruth Brown, Jimmy Reed and the Drifters. It attracted 9,000 people. [You call that "rock?" It was Blues & Soul, baby! — Ed.] In 1969, the self-titled debut album by Crosby, Stills and Nash was released. In 1971, Paul McCartney released "Mary Had A Little Lamb." It was one of McCartney's least successful songs, but still cracked the Top Thirty. [These two events, Crock, Still & Mash w/ their dreadful caterwauling, & McCartney, just dreadful, set music back to before the debut of "The Rite of Spring" on this date in 1913. — Ed.] In 1973, Roger McGuinn, formerly of The Byrds, made his solo debut in New York. In 1977, Elvis Presley walked off stage in the middle of a concert in Baltimore. It was the first time in his 23-year career that he did so, aside from when he was sick. [W/in three months ... — Ed.] In 1987, a jury in Los Angeles found "Twilight Zone" movie director John Landis and four associates innocent of involuntary manslaughter in the deaths of actor Vic Morrow and two children. In 1999, the remains of Iron Butterfly bassist Phil "Taylor" Kramer were found inside a van in a ravine near Malibu, California. He had disappeared four years earlier while driving to the airport to pick up a friend. [Happens all the time in Southern Cal. Car goes off a cliff into a canyon, no one knows where, the car disappears into the underbrush ... there are cars (& their occupants) missing to this day. — Ed.] In 2004, gunmen in the Congo attacked a group of unarmed military observers who were escorting Sum 41. The band had to be evacuated to Uganda. They were in the Congo to film a documentary for a Canadian charity.
In 2008, actor-comedian Harvey Korman, Emmy winner for "The Carol Burnett Show," died in Los Angeles at age 81. Thought for Today: "Don't call me a saint. I don't want to be dismissed so easily." — Dorothy Day, American reformer (1897-1980).

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dulled Out Again On Planet Snoozefest

We'd ask if anyone else is as bored by everything as we are, but we realize that isn't possible.

The People Speak, All By Themselves, No Prompting

We find in the comments referenced below that it's not security concerns; no one gets to give the President any letters because everything must go through his "handlers."
This is an easy one...see, ALL Obama sees/reads is what his "handlers" allow him to see/read. They go through his daily mail, news papers, poll numbers and only give him the "good stuff." This allows him to have the enormous ego he has...thinking the world loves him as much as he thinks they do. To allow this woman to give an unread un-looked over item would be out of the question. The man can't read anything that hasn't been written for him on his tele-prompter first....seriously, everyone knows that. Silly woman. He sickens me.
See? It was an easy one.
I NEVER, ever thought this would happen in my lifetime. Wow.
Wow indeed. I NEVER thought the Secret Service would haul off a disturbed person who wouldn't leave a secured area. What happened to my America?
Wow, a citizen cannot even attempt to contact the President? The SS (secret service in this case) have overstepped their bounds on this one. This story reminds me of another group named the SS in the 1940's. I'm afraid we are headed for rough times. If you don't agree with the administration, you may find yourself on the wrong side of the law, for just breathing.
That silly internet rule could be invoked here, couldn't it?
We were sure Obama thought he was going to go straight from being President to ruling a one-world caliphate from Louis Farrakhan's house in Chicago. You mean he's just going to serve two terms, retire, & then say "Ha ha. I was a Muslim all along?" 
she had press credentials; she had a right to be there; she obviously already passed a security check point, so the SS agent was stupid in not allowing her to give the Prez something...Heck, if Monica can kiss Bill Cheatin Clinton in a rope line, why can't a U.S. citizen give a letter (redress of greivances) to her Prez????? wow, how open and tolerant the libs are...even turning away elementary school kids at the White House...mean..mean mean...
The party of national security explains how to protect the president. Once you're past the check-point, you can do anything you want. We appreciate the advice. 
Gotta love these Pavlovian dogs. The AP runs a story in which a woman (not the AP) states that she is a "reporter, w/ White House credentials." She is a crazed columnist, not anything resembling a reporter. The AP story says it's a monthly newspaper, & Rev. Lee has a column in it. Self-proclaimed conservative Smart Guy hears the "reporter" bell ring, & starts drooling about the "media:"
Im a conservative as well. Who does this woman think she is? Secret Service are trained to identify aggressive/unstable people. The fact that she decided to kick and scream shows her state. But thats the media in this country, they are smarter than us and are entitled....
Dirty rotten elitists, think they're so smart, always looking down their noses at us ... 
Closing down Car Dealerships who didn't contribute to Obama now this. FEMA Camps are ready, lol... Americans will be begging the Saudi Arabians to come in and rule them by the end of the Obama Administration.
Um, isn't that the whole idea? Secret Muslim, Sharia Law, blah blah blah. Isn't the closing of dealerships part of the free market? We could go on forever (currently 744 comments there, most of the above ilk) but we already feel so much better about ourself, & so much better than these delusional & deranged paranoids (seen from down our nose, of course) that we'll stop. (Really, we're just hungry.) 
Serious sounding threats may have been deleted (You don't believe NBC/General Universal Electric allows speech to be free, do you?) but we'd hoped to find actual threats of revolution & what-not. They seem to be still whipping themselves into a frenzy of imagined illegitimate usurpation to provide the solid philosophical foundation that will allow them to become terrorists in order to save us from the terrorists. Once again, breath-holding time, until Mr. Obama's upcoming trip, when acts of politeness or courtesy to non-Israeli leaders Obama meets on his Mid-East tour will doubtless be interpreted as signs to have the wife (or "little woman") fitted for a burqa.

"Kicking & Screaming: Journo Dragged From Near AF1"

NBC/Universal/GE's local on-line presence gets head-line huffy about the treatment of a reporter Reverend who types for a website in another state.
She said she asked a Secret Service agent to give the president her letter, but he refused and referred her to a White House staffer. Lee said she refused to give the staffer the letter.
"I said, 'I'll take my chances if (the president) comes by here,'" said Lee, who identified herself as a Roman Catholic priestess who lives in Anaheim, Calif. "He became annoyed that I wouldn't give him the letter."
This sort of thing never happened under the Bush administration (or the leftist media covered it up) possibly because leftists are generally much more connected w/ a recognizable form of reality than the self-identified priestess.
"I said, 'I'm not leaving,'" she said. "They tried to drag me out." Two officers then picked her up and carried her out. An Associated Press photographer photographed the incident. "I was afraid you could see under my clothes," she said, her voice choking up. Lee, who said this was the second presidential event she has covered, was later released.
The Rule of Threes applies here. Priestess Brenda could have been a harmless but irksome & distracting wackaloon (as usual, the most mundane is the most likely, if that's not tautological) or she could have been a purposeful distraction (even unknowingly) for worse trouble or ... there could have been anything up to ANTHRAXXXXX11!!1 in the envelope. 
The sorts of people who revel in their ignorance & non-elitism are in the comments at the NBC site. Will this be cause of outrage? Well, sure. Outrage of a sort:
She thought her Blackness would give her instant access to The Messiah. What a dopehead. Election's over, Lady. The Messiah won't be needing you folks for a while. Get on back to the rear of the bus. HAHAHA, OBAMAZOMBIE!
We suspect that the priestess being African-American, as well as an Asylum Avoiding-American, will inspire some blather (besides here) & the fact that she is black, while immaterial to the story, gives an opportunity to remind everyone that Pres. Obama is, you know. And ...
Tip o' the Bouffant chapeau (This wk., a sweat-stained, purple Lakers cap.) to many of the usual gang of idiots chez Sadly, No!, for directing us to this local affront to Catholicism we might otherwise have missed.

Going To The Well Again, After It's Dried Up & Blown Away

We noticed the cover of this week's Weekly Standard when going over the Sam Schulman kinship system marriage article.
Jonathan Chait at TNR seems to have read the entire cover story. His conclusion:
This is what Reagan did while in opposition. It is what conservatives could start doing right now.
That's the whole argument. After nearly 5,000 words detailing Reagan's activities, Emerie concludes by asserting that conservatives  today should follow his example. You'd think she would feel the need to write at least a couple of paragraphs explaining why Reagan's approach is well-suited to the current political landscape, but no. In conservative circles that step is simply assumed.
Wiiliam Kristol & co-editor Fred Barnes. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Again & again & again. Let's all hope it never stops. 

28 May: Dodgers Rule; Giants, Bonds SUCK!!

By The Associated Press Thu May 28, 12:01 am ET Today is Thursday, May 28, the 148th day of 2009. There are 217 days left in the year. Non-Yahoo!™ AP. A/V. UPI Almanac. Today's Highlight in History: On May 28, 1934, the Dionne quintuplets — Annette, Cecile, Emilie, Marie and Yvonne — were born to Elzire Dionne at the family farm in Ontario, Canada. [Annette & Cecile are still w/ us today. — Ed.]On this date: In 1533, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, declared the marriage of England's King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn valid. In 1863, the first black regiment from the North left Boston to fight in the Civil War. In 1892, the Sierra Club was organized in San Francisco. In 1918, the Battle of Cantigny began during World War I as American troops captured the French town from the Germans. In 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt pushed a button in Washington signaling that vehicular traffic could begin crossing the just-opened Golden Gate Bridge in California. Neville Chamberlain became prime minister of Britain. In 1957, the National League approved the move of the Brooklyn Dodgers and New York Giants baseball teams to Los Angeles and San Francisco, respectively. In 1959, the U.S. Army launched Able, a rhesus monkey, and Baker, a squirrel monkey, aboard a Jupiter missile for a suborbital flight which both primates survived. In 1972, Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor, who had abdicated the English throne to marry Wallis Warfield Simpson, died in Paris at age 77. In 1987, Mathias Rust, a 19-year-old West German pilot, landed a private plane in Moscow's Red Square. Ten years ago: Russia's Balkan envoy, Viktor Chernomyrdin met with Slobodan Milosevic for nine hours, declaring the Yugoslav president key to a Kosovo peace plan despite complications caused by Milosevic's indictment for war crimes. Five years ago: The Iraqi Governing Council chose Iyad Allawi, a longtime anti-Saddam Hussein exile, to become prime minister of Iraq's interim government. Some three dozen people were killed by a powerful earthquake in northern Iran. In 2006, Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants hit his 715th home run to pass Babe Ruth on the career list and move into second place behind Hank Aaron. One year ago: The White House reacted angrily to a highly critical memoir by President George W. Bush's former press secretary, Scott McClellan, who wrote that Bush had relied on an aggressive "political propaganda campaign" instead of the truth to sell the Iraq war. Nepal's lawmakers abolished the monarchy and declared the country a republic, ending 239 years of royal rule. Today's Birthdays: Rockabilly singer-musician Sonny Burgess is 80. Actress Carroll Baker is 78. Producer-director Irwin Winkler is 78. Actor John Karlen is 76. Basketball Hall of Famer Jerry West is 71. Actress Beth Howland is 68. Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani is 65. Singer Gladys Knight is 65. Singer Billy Vera is 65. Singer John Fogerty is 64. Actress-director Sondra Locke is 62. Country musician Jerry Douglas (Alison Krauss and Union Station) is 53. Actor Brandon Cruz ("The Courtship of Eddie's Father") is 47. Country singer Phil Vassar is 47. Actress Christa Miller is 45. Singer-musician Chris Ballew (Presidents of the USA) is 44. Rapper Chubb Rock is 41. Singer Kylie Minogue is 41. Actor Justin Kirk is 40. Television personality Elisabeth Hasselbeck ("The View") is 32.  Today In Entertainment History -- In 1929, the first all-color talking picture, "On with the Show," opened in New York. In 1966, Ike and Tina Turner released "River Deep, Mountain High." In 1976, the Allman Brothers Band broke up after Gregg Allman testified against his personal road manager, who was charged with drug trafficking. The band reformed in 1978. In 1977, singer-actor John Davidson escaped a fire at the Beverly Hills Supper Club in Southgate, Kentucky, which killed 164 people and injured 130. Davidson stayed to help the victims. And, Bruce Springsteen settled his year-long suit against ex-manager Mike Appel and immediately began recording his "Darkness on the Edge of Town" album. In 1983, The US Festival opened in San Bernardino, California. It lost millions of dollars, largely because of huge fees paid to such performers as David Bowie and Van Halen. In 1996, singer Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode was arrested after allegedly overdosing on a speedball of cocaine and heroin at his hotel in suburban Los Angeles. In 1998, actor Phil Hartman was shot to death by his wife, Brynn, who then killed herself. Hartman was 49. [That boy is still missed today. — Ed.] Thought for Today: "The only thing I regret about my past is the length of it. If I had to live my life again, I'd make the same mistakes, only sooner." — Tallulah Bankhead, American actress (1903-1968).

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Is This Thing On? Or, Biting The Hand That Houses Us

Here's where we see if the forces of repression, the shadow government, the national security state, or even bored jerks are reading.
If we get one more call (all of them before noon, by the way, adding insult to indignity) from the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles requesting that I supply them w/ a piece of white paper w/ various arcane marks & symbols on it, no one will be safe!!
Last time they wanted to copy a piece of paper they'd had, but somehow lost; this time, it's personal information, from an agency of the  federal gov't., & a federally-chartered financial institution.Get this (And get it good!!) you bureaucratic fucks: We're disabled. That means it's all we can do to get up from the floor we sleep on & sit here at the devil-box for 16-18 hours a day, let alone obtain personal documents from various institutions (This involves leaving our "studio" & being in the same space w/ non-digital — or "actual" — humanoids. The horror.) & provide them to you! This is it. Last time. You'll have to pry whatever else you want of us from our cold dead fingers, y'hear?

These People Live Among Us

Yomamma swiveld into office due to a moment of weariness and confusion amoungst the faithful, his true identity obscured by the fog of war, a war fought at home and abroad, against two infidel enemy. Even a rightous American can succumb to the rigors and chaos of the battlefield and sink down for a moment, disoriented. But presently, if he has the true grit that is the defining feature of all real Americans—as I assure, that he does—he will regain his senses, feel brother rifle waiting patiently in his hands, and haul himself up. And when that happens, Rightous Americans everywhere will take hold of the domestic body politic and give it a mighty shake, and the infidels clinging to it’s once lusterous pelt will be routed. Then, my illeterate friend (in two languages no less), burdened no more by the blood suckng parasites inherent in a democracy, he will be free to turn his full attention to the infidels of the Levant. Woe unto abdullo and abdulla when that time comes. And woe unto the ticks and fleas that worry at God’s hand on the wheel as he guides—through his anointed agents—the course of this great country. — cw · May 24, 01:54 AM · #
There's more (This one appears spell-checked — no, wrong again.):
Exactly. Ours is a sacred undertaking. We transport this holy flame through these dark times, passing it from cupped hand to cupped hand, sheltering it from the spittle spewing lips of the Friedersdorks and the Salamis of this world as they blather on about how our sacred creed needs “updating”. The nerve, the ignorance, the affront! It would be humerous if it wasn’t so presumptuous. It’s as if a gaggle of San Francisco decorators decended apon our saviors holy seplicure proposing a makeover. Do they not realize that eternal values are eternal? Do they not comprehend what we are trying to CONSERVE here? Those who would tart up Conservativism are nothing but weak souled pant-wetters, cowed by a moment of adversity. Their “big tent” is nothing more than an ad hoc strip show held in an abandonded quanset hut, a pathetic, musky jiggling designed to attract corrupted spirits and weak minds. Well, Conservativism is at heart a state of character and their weak mindedness precludes the Friedersdorks and Salamis from membership in the very brotherhood they seek to reform. This storm we pass through was sent by providence to weed out the unsound. We will emerge on the dark side of this storm a tempered blade of diamond purity, a fearsome weapon fitted to the hand of our Lord and his fearsome purpose. — cw · May 24, 11:17 PM · #

27 May: Hartford Hangs Witch

By The Associated Press Wed May 27, 12:01 am ET Today is Wednesday, May 27, the 147th day of 2009. There are 218 days left in the year. Slightly Different World & A/V. UPI Almanac. Today's Highlight in History: On May 27, 1937, the newly completed Golden Gate Bridge connecting San Francisco and Marin County, Calif., was opened to pedestrian traffic. (Vehicular traffic began crossing the bridge the next day.)On this date: In 1647, Alse Young became the first person executed as a witch in America when she was hanged in Hartford, Conn. In 1818, American reformer Amelia Jenks Bloomer, who popularized the garment that bears her name — "bloomers" — was born in Homer, N.Y. In 1896, 255 people were killed when a tornado struck St. Louis and East St. Louis, Ill. In 1929, Charles A. Lindbergh Jr. married Anne Morrow in Englewood, N.J. In 1935, the Supreme Court struck down the National Industrial Recovery Act. In 1936, the Cunard liner RMS Queen Mary left England on its maiden voyage to New York. In 1941, amid rising world tensions, President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed an "unlimited national emergency." The British navy sank the German battleship Bismarck off France, with a loss of more than 2,100 lives. In 1964, independent India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, died. In 1985, in Beijing, representatives of Britain and China exchanged instruments of ratification on the pact returning Hong Kong to the Chinese in 1997. In 1993, five people were killed in a bombing at the Uffizi museum of art in Florence, Italy. Ten years ago: A U.N. tribunal indicted Slobodan Milosevic for crimes against humanity, holding the Yugoslav president personally responsible for the horrors in Kosovo and brutal purge of ethnic Albanians. The space shuttle Discovery blasted off on a mission to carry supplies to the new international space station. In Milan, Italy, the latest restoration of "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci, an effort that took 22 years, went on display during a VIP-only showing. Five years ago: Abu Hamza al-Masri, a Muslim cleric, was arrested in London and accused of trying to build a terrorist training camp in Oregon. (He remains in British custody despite U.S. attempts to extradite him for trial.) One year ago: Myanmar's military government renewed pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi's detention for one year; the move came as officials said that international aid workers had finally begun entering Myanmar's cyclone-devastated delta area after being blocked for more than three weeks by the junta. Today's Birthdays: Novelist Herman Wouk is 94. Actor Christopher Lee is 87. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger is 86. [There is no justice. — Ed.] Author John Barth is 79. Actress Lee Meriwether is 74. Musician Ramsey Lewis is 74. Actor Louis Gossett Jr. is 73. R&B singer Raymond Sanders (The Persuasions) is 70. Country singer Don Williams is 70. Actor Bruce Weitz is 66. Singer Cilla Black is 66. Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.) is 65. Singer Bruce Cockburn is 64. Singer-actress Dee Dee Bridgewater is 59. Actor Richard Schiff is 54. Singer Siouxsie Sioux (The Creatures, Siouxsie and the Banshees) is 52.Rock singer-musician Neil Finn (The Finn Brothers) is 51. Actress Peri Gilpin is 48. Actress Cathy Silvers is 48. Comedian Adam Carolla is 45. Actor Todd Bridges is 44. Rock musician Sean Kinney (Alice In Chains) is 43. Actor Dondre Whitfield is 40. Actor Paul Bettany is 38. Rock singer-musician Brian Desveaux (Nine Days) is 38. Country singer Jace Everett is 37. Actor Jack McBrayer is 36. Rapper Andre 3000 (Outkast) is 34. Rapper Jadakiss is 34. TV chef Jamie Oliver is 34. Arizona Cardinals defensive tackle Darnell Dockett is 28.  Today In Entertainment History -- In 1933, Walt Disney's Academy Award-winning animated short "The Three Little Pigs" was first released.
In 1950, Frank Sinatra made his TV debut with Bob Hope on NBC.
In 1957, The Crickets' first record "That'll Be the Day," with lead singer Buddy Holly, was released by Brunswick records. It was the group's first and only chart-topper. In 1962, Bob Dylan released "The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan," which contained songs like "Blowin' in the Wind" and "A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall." In 1967, Otis Redding's band, The Bar-Kays, entered the R&B chart with "Soul Finger." The instrumental became their biggest hit without Redding. In 1977, the Sex Pistols' second single, "God Save the Queen," was released to coincide with Queen Elizabeth's Silver Jubilee celebration in June. The record, which begins "God save the Queen, she ain't no human being," made the British Top Ten despite being banned from airplay. In 1980, David Lee Roth fractured his nose and suffered a concussion when he leaped off Alex Van Halen's drum riser and hit the stage lights. They were recording an Italian TV special in Rome at the time. In 1988, Van Halen's "Monsters of Rock" touring festival opened at the Alpine Valley Music Theater in Wisconsin. In 1989, Chicago and the Beach Boys toured together for the first time in 14 years, with Brian Wilson joining them on occasion. In 1992, Cher was forced to postpone her live performance debut in New York City after she came down with bronchitis. In 1995, actor Christopher Reeve was paralyzed in a riding accident in Virginia. In 2003, Angelina Jolie's and Billy Bob Thornton's divorce was finalized. 
Thought for Today: "The charm of history and its enigmatic lesson consist in the fact that, from age to age, nothing changes and yet everything is completely different." — Aldous Huxley, English author (1894-1963).
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Would You Liberals Stop Telling Me What To Think?

Our persecuted & paranoid Americans:
Debbie "Cakes" Schutzstaffel wigs out over Sonia Sotomayor, & gets a few shots in against the token conservatardette on The View, Elisabeth Hasselbeck.
Today, on ABC's anti-male hag-fest, faux-conservative and eternal airhead bimbo Elisabeth Hasselbeck heartily applauded this absurd affirmative action choice, saying "This is great because Hispanics are the most important group of people in America." They are? I thought--and particularly conservatives, which brainless Hasselbeck pretends to be, think--that America is a land of individuals, that no one group of people is "more important" than anyone else. Hasselbeck also stated that "women don't have enough opportunity." Huh? This woman, Sotomayor, was picked for only two reasons, one of which is that she has female indoor plumbing.
Thank goodness that she has "indoor" female plumbing. We at Just Another Blog™ think it's terrible when a woman has only outdoor female plumbing. But the real sufferer here can be found in the comments:
California screaming: Hasselbeck is not attractive. Her face is rodent-like. She looks like Mighty Mouse. I'm tired of people telling me that all these unattractive people are beautiful--as in Michelle Obama is beautiful. Am I supposed to ignore what my eyes are seeing? Posted by: lexi  May 26, 2009 05:37 PM
lexi: May Just Another Blog™ suggest a stylish tinfoil hat to keep those voices out of your mind? And if you can't find a good-looking one to fit the point on your head, just try not paying attention to people telling you things. It often helps to turn off the telebision when trying to avoid people telling you what to think. And stay away from websites, too. They're just chock full of ideas, many of which come from elitists (& worse).
"Cakes": No hag she. Nuh-uh.