Saturday, May 30, 2009

Annals Of WTF?: "The Diva And His Wife"

Better to have a President holed up at his imaginary rancho, clearing brush during the hottest month of the yr., or sitting in the White House by himself watching football & "choking on a pretzel," than to have a President & First Lady who do what normal people w/ a few bucks to spare might do. You know, stimulate the economy. Not on the other side of the River Styx, however. 
Evita & Michelle Spend Your Money For Broadway Junket
Can all this "arrogant diva" crap come from anything more than racism? Why is this arrogance a good thing when represented by a "cowboy swagger," but bad when represented by dinner & a show in the Big Apple? Rank, filthy hypocrisy is why. Whenever someone who re-cycled a can once, or suggested that pumping tons of shit into the atmosphere may not be the wisest thing ever takes a plane somewhere, they shriek "Carbon footprint!" & "Hypocrisy!" but the trappings of power (usually the necessities of security, as in Nancy Pelosi's plane) are only bad & undeserved when a Democrat has them. A woman or an African-American getting a "free ride" only worsens the arrogance.  Class warfare? Not these patriots. Don't they think rich people are just great? To Bruce, envy & resentment are class warfare only when socialists bring them up. He brings it up, it's a perfectly rational question. 
How many of you have been able to jet back-and-forth to NYC lately?
Our guess? A hell of a lot more people in Bruce's audience can jet around than have been elected President lately. Maybe if the moochers & parasites would work a little harder, they could enjoy themselves instead of bitching on the Internet.
And the usual Americans are suckers outro:
I wonder when the American people will wake up and realize that they elected a Diva and his Wife to the White House. While Barack spends our future in billions and billions of dollars [sic], he enjoys a Broadway show tonight.  Good one, Mr. President. That hurt.
What the hell does that even mean? Why bother to mock something that inane? Huh? Because it's that inane. Yeah, OK. Good thing we're not an arrogant diva, we might think we had something better to do w/ our unlimited (until death) supply of time than abuse sad sack patriots.

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