Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Keep Watching The Skies!

Well, pardon us for being impatient. Here's the full scare tactic. A link to was in the paid-for advertising of our gmail. ShieldAmerica wants to be sure that you know what an EMP is, 'cause they want you to think that Eye-ran's new satellite is going to melt your CDs & VHS tapes, podnuh! A world w/ no America. ("As we know it.") Can you imagine? And remember the "45 minutes" some shit-for-brains (we think it was Tony Blair, really) claimed would be the warning time if/when Saddam ("Smoking Gun") Hussein released his balsa wood drones? It's less than that now. See? Technology has cut the time by 12 minutes! And lest you think this noble effort to awaken the American people is more than self-parody, note the name of Clifford May, of the Foundation for the Defense Of Democracies, which is where the donations end up. We're sure it's more than coincidence that the foundation is for "Defense of," rather than "Promotion of" Democracies. Expect even more of these pleas for missile defense & "keeping the lines running" for weapons systems of no use against guerrillas in caves, as defense contractors read the writing on the wall. The less there is to defend, the less it's worth spending anything on. And whose fault is it there's so much less?

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