Friday, May 22, 2009

Fraternity Prank Up-Date (UP-DATED!!)

How interesting. Chicago radio personality Mancow had himself waterboarded, lasted six to seven seconds, & decided it was torture, & not a good thing.
Reaction in the right-wing blog-o-world to empirical evidence of waterboarding being torture? memeorandum sez: None. Whatsoever
UPDATE (22 May 2009 @1645 or so): A conservative has (finally) weighed in. Obviously fake-named "Donald Douglas" of "American Power" casually links to the Mancow story:
Beats waterboarding any day!
under a (not worth the click) picture of B. S. in a bikini, which is under the headline:
Britney Spears Bikini Pics!
Someone please remind us to take this "Donald Douglas" (What, "John Smith" wasn't available?) even less seriously than we do now, if it's possible.

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