Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Disturbed Woman Who Cried "Wolf!" Until She Became Hoarse (Or A Horse's Ass)

Is America going to take this laying [sic] down? This is a coup. Smooth, slick and Obamafied, but America is most certainly under attack from within. We need an insurrection. We must fight this, but the pussified Republicans are stuck in some impotent inertia. We need Washington! Jefferson! Paine! Calling all Americans!
Holy crap, you'd think the trains to the camps had been rolling by on the evening news for a wk. now, & nobody had said word one. It's a coup! Were the members of Congress dragged out, kicking & screaming, & drowned in the Tidal Basin?
Not quite. The White House said
First, we will expand the restriction on oral communications to cover all persons, not just federally registered lobbyists. For the first time, we will reach contacts not only by registered lobbyists but also by unregistered ones, as well as anyone else exerting influence on the process. We concluded this was necessary under the unique circumstances of the stimulus program.
Oversight of slick lobbyists attempting to influence stimulus funds is not a good thing in this world (although paranoid excitement about the inherent badness of stimulus is a good thing). First they stopped the lobbyists from having undue influence, & we said nothing. The next move should have been obvious.
[I]t is not at all difficult to look down the path and see the day coming when it will Sharia provisions restricting speech about Islam will be in place in the United States of America, and it will be illegal to speak about the Islamic supremacist agenda. Most, of course, will dismiss such concerns the way they always dismiss them: with a wave of the hand and an invocation of the First Amendment -- as if the First Amendment were some kind of inviolate shield that cannot itself ever in any way be impeached or impugned. Would that it were so. But the Obama Administration is already showing how little it cares for free speech and open dissent. And with an Obama-compliant Supreme Court judging cases that challenge their actions and interpreting the First Amendment for us, what's to stop the Administration from playing ball with the OIC and building wonderful new bridges with the Islamic world in this way?
It's absolutely a straight line on a slippery slope from keeping lobbyists, registered & other-wise, out of the hen house, to shutting down free speech & open dissent. Surely the many convictions & jail terms suffered by brave advocates of Truth, Justice & the American Waygenocide against Arab & Muslim people like Ms. Geller & Robert "Jihad Watch" Spencer are an indication of where it will all end.

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