Thursday, November 14, 2013

Eating Your Young Again, America?

No nation on the face of this earth loves its children more than these United Snakes. (Alright, more like "no nation on earth loves telling all the other nations how much it loves its children." Because infant mortality rates in this country tell an entirely different story.)

Yep, we love the little rug rats to death, but we expect the people who care for them (Because, you know, we are so busy loving them we can't take care of them.) to live on shit wages because our children are so so very important to us. Really, they are. Can't you follow the logic there? It's mathemagical science.

Fuck you, poor people. In every hole!!


Sirius Lunacy said...

If these moocher child care workers would just do some free-markety bootstrap pulling, like fer instance getting the little buggers in their charge to make clothing or basketball shoes rather than wasting their days with things like lunch and nap time, then there would be plenty of profit to go around.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

It's a load of crap.

IF we cared about our kids, we wouldn't create a school system that consists of 1) good schools for the right people) and 2) ever increasingly crappy schools for the plebes.

In other words...what George Carlin said.

mikey said...

Not to mention that the American Political Right shrieks that deficit spending is taking wealth from our grandchildren when the truth of the matter is we OWE that money to our grandchildren, and it's more a matter of distribution than debt, and when we slash spending on infrastructure and R&D we ARE actually stealing the future from our grandchildren, but the nutbag right wingers don't actually care because the primary goal of the political wing of the American Conservative movement, the Republican party, is 100% focused on nothing more or less than the upward redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the super-rich. Inequality is the problem, and inequality is their goal...

Weird Dave said...

I don't know why we eat them. They don't even taste very good.

Now Afghan children, on the other hand...

M. Bouffant said...

Int'l. Eatin' Editor:
It's the spicy Afghan diet.

If life gives you children who fit into chimneys, make chimney sweeps out of them.