Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Boston Sound


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...


In 1970 the band reformed with no original members and have continued to this day, performing (generally in the Oregon area) and releasing several independent albums. This band has always remained underground and in recent years Bruce-Douglas has derided its existence.

Somehow I did not associate this sound with Martin Luther.

M. Bouffant said...

"I'm Late!" Editor Notes:

Haven't heard it since (I'd say) 1969 (it was a favorite) when I first heard it at a church "coffee house" designed to keep the youth off the streets. (It worked: We went into the alley to smoke dope, not the streets, then went back in for snacks & music.)

Methodists, I think, not Lutherans.

So I haven't yet listened to it, afraid that my taste at 13 may not hold up.

M. Bouffant said...

A P. S. From The Music Editor:

Hell, if there don't have to be any original members, we (I, if you must, 'cause no one else is getting cut in on this) should start a band called, oh, The Beatles? Or maybe The Doors? Dreadful Grate? Bleach Boys?

Actually, Calif. State Law sez you can't do that, dammit!!