Friday, October 29, 2021

Today's Fakest News: ISIS To Attack Temples Of Commodity Fetishism

Don't Believe the Hype

Anyone find it interesting that this alleged threat is revealed the wknd. before the Virginia election? (Or that the "threat" is against malls rather than churches/synagogues? Someone, ISIS, or whoever in national security made it up, knows where America's heart really is.)
Megan Cloherty / WTOP:
If there actually is an attack on the malls I guarantee you it will be a false flag operation, probably perpetrated by the same police dep'ts./National Security Nazis that spread these rumours to the sucker-ass chumps of WTOP & CBS News. Fuck the plice & the media. And burn the malls. Shop locally at locally businesses. If you can find any.

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