Friday, August 1, 2014

News For The Joooooos (Of Israel)

When a soldier is taken prisoner, he or she is a prisoner of war, not a "kidnapping victim."
Your dishonesty & moral midgetry is revealed in your choice of words.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

And when the IDF busts down the doors of Palestinian homes and takes the occupants away, they call it 'an arrest'.

M. Bouffant said...

Lets Drop The Big One Editor:
So they handle the terrorism that results from their running a prison for millions as "law enforcement." Or call it such.

I guess the U.N. or whoever doesn't care about police brutality as opposed to war crimes.

And don't be fooled: War itself is a crime, & I pronounce every nation guilty. [Rim-shot!]