Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Water Water Everywhere


California Has Given Out Rights To Five Times More Water Than It Actually Has

The analysis, published Tuesday in the journal Environmental Research Letters, found that water rights issued since 1914 add up to 370 million acre-feet of water annually, while the surface water that actually flows through the state adds up to just 70 million acre-feet in a good year for precipitation. An acre-oot [sic] of water is roughly enough to supply two households for one year, and 300 million acre-feet of water is enough to fill Lake Tahoe two-and-a-half times over.
If you thought that War Between The States was something ...


Unknown said...

Does steam count?

Weird Dave said...

Does steam count?

Only with ships and locomotives.

Weird Dave said...

I especially like, "On top of all that, many irrigation districts and cities in California lay claim to enormous amounts of water issued under rights prior to 1914, which are not included in the State Water Resources Control Board’s data."

Can't drink sand.