Thursday, August 21, 2014

Perry-Paul 2016!

Pseudo-spectacles & a tribble-toupee! The most "transparent" administration ever; the Prez & Veep would never lie to you, being too busy lying to themselves about how good they look & checking their accessories in mirrors. ("I really look good, don't I? Don't I?")

Today's, from recently indicted Texas Gov. Rick Perry:
Yet, as Perry himself admitted, there is “no clear evidence” of anyone affiliated with terrorism ever crossing the US/Mexico border. Nearly every attack or failed plot over the past decade has been carried out by a US citizen—like accused Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev—or those who came on legal visas, like the Al Qaeda operatives on 9/11. And the cross-border terrorist plans that have been discovered have come from our northern border.

The US State Department’s own terrorism assessment last year noted that “there were no known operational cells of either al-Qa’ida or Hizballah in the hemisphere.” They added: “There are no known international terrorist organizations operating in Mexico, and there is no evidence that any terrorist group has targeted U.S. citizens in Mexican territory.”

But Perry continues to cite this fear as the basis for his belief that neither Congress or the President should pursue any type of immigration reform until the US Mexico border is “secured” using the Border Patrol, the National Guard, and 24-hour surveillance drones.
Perry-Paul: Theocratic glibertarianism for a stronger America!

One might think that w/ such deluded goobers leading the pack o' hyenas that alleged progressives/liberals/those-based-in-reality could field a less corporatist arriviste than Mme. Clinton to run against the skree-ing wacko birds of the G.O.P.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

"I'd fuck me."

- Perry

"I'd fuck me hard."

- Paul

This race needs a Mary, obviously.