Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Future of B-B-Q

Spicy? Could be.

A discussion of local barbecue spots leads to this conclusion:
And if you live in this area and you crave hot 'n' spicy, don't listen to me at all. The fellow who owns Porky's told me a few years ago that he felt the whole culture of barbecue was heading in that direction and the Big Mister who runs Bigmista's seconded that opinion. If they're right, I probably won't be eating a lot of BBQ in the future. If you feel as I do, maybe we'd better enjoy it while we can.
I'm not opposed to hot & spicy stuff, but there's a limit. Relax, thrill seekers.

In nostalgia, author Evanier mentions Dr. Hogly-Wogly's Tyler Texas Barbeque. ("But the business changed hands or suppliers or something and … well, my last three visits there were a crapshoot.") Never visited (It's in the Valley somewhere. C'mon.)  but I do miss their cheesy only-on-Channel 13 commercials ('70s through the '80s sometime?) w/ the guy w/ the ridiculously deep voice. Too bad they don't have any of the adverts on their page.

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