Sunday, July 20, 2014

Same Dummy, Different Dope?

So this go-round Gov. Perry of Texas is jacked up on blow rather than numbed out on the pain pills?

A New Rick Perry

Des Moines Register: "An animated Rick Perry yanked the microphone from the podium and paced the stage, leaning into his words as told Iowans tonight that he knows how to start getting the country 'back on track' ... A guy who in the past didn't seem like he could run for a governor's office much less the Oval Office seemed like a different candidate, Iowans said tonight, after Perry talked about 'prosperity and hope and freedom,' as well as a favorite topic of his lately, immigration reform."

Said Perry: "We know how to secure the border and if the federal government will not do its duty, then I will suggest to you that the state of Texas will."

"That remark brought the audience of about 200 northwest Iowa Republicans to their feet for an extended standing ovation. And the room was buzzing after the 16-minute speech at the dinner, a fundraiser for nine county Republican parties."
Not to ignore how cute his new cheaters are. (Do they even have lenses?)

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

They're working on Jenghazi Rubin.

She hated him in 2012 (because she was sure Mittens was her personal savior and future bomber of Iran).

Pickings are slimmer now, so she's pumping Governor Goodhair almost as often as she quotes Iran-Contra war criminal Elliot Abrams.