Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tough Times For Toots:
Reduced To Jammin' W/ Daryl

If you'd told us we would link to anything that was positive concerning Daryl (Hall or Oates?) we would have slapped you sillier than you are. And been wrong to do so. We blame gmail.
Daryl Hall- Toots Hibbert - Reggae with some Philly soul.
Critically acclaimed - Free webcast
We would very much appreciate Daryl not being conflated w/ Philly Soul, as would Messrs. Gamble & Huff.

That being typed, do not miss Daryl's tour of Noel Coward's pad!We'll be in the tub, slitting our wrists. How's that go again? North-south or east-west?


Substance McGravitas said...

Carved beds. Who know the guy gave a shit? I certainly don't, but it's impressive to see his dedication to boring people.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Phuckin' Gmail!!!

TruculentandUnreliable said...

NOOOOOOOO Toots! Dude, if you need money that badly, come crash on my couch. I know you're old and it will hurt your back, but it's better than performing with Daryl Hall and/or Oates.

It's north to south, Bouffant. But really, I advocate for less painful and more effective ways.

M. Bouffant said...

Editor Whimpers:

Do not make us watch all of it to determine exactly how awful it is. Please?

Not to worry, we think Toots is just pimpin' a new recording.

Substance McGravitas said...

People forget.