Tuesday, April 26, 2011


As no one has paid any attention to us on Twitter, we'll ask here: Anyone else having trouble (i.e., completely unable to) connecting to gmail & Google Reader?

Also, clicking the comments in this very web log leads to unable to nowhere.

Thirdly, never mind, found the problem!!

Fourthly (1415PDT): Fixed something else as well.


Larkspur said...

Darn. I started to commence to begin panicking.

It was gonna be the problem that took my mind off of my fulminating horrible outbreak of HIVES.

I am glad everything is okay. For you.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

You're welcome.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

It just goes to show you, they can't keep a Bouffant down.

M. Bouffant said...

Not A Real Dr.:

HIVES? Eek. Though my body has betrayed me in a million & one ways, I've only been attacked by my own immune system twice. Benadryl™, maybe?

Cripes, now getting sympathetic itching ourself.

Hope all clears up soon.

Politeness Editor Types:

No, no, you're welcome!!

M. Bouffant said...

Digital Idiot Editor Shouts:

HEY. No sneaking in while we are responding to others!

Once we actually read why we weren't getting to certain (allegedly "secured") sites, we were able to resolve the problem.

Also, ignore use of first person singular above. Empathy overwhelmed us.

Thank you.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I had a certain "503 Service Not Available" error a could hours ago when I tried to edit or make a new post.

Now it's all better, except I don't have a new post to make.