Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sick Fuck Nation

Why America Loves Serial Killers

They give us an alibi for our murderous culture.

And, finally, there is American culture itself. Serial killers are an alibi for our nation. Think about it. What would you rather believe? That there's a single lone sicko like Henry killing 500 hapless victims? Or that there are 500 murderers still at large (by virtue of Henry "taking" their cases) who have already gotten away with one murder and may be cruising into your town right now looking for another?

What paints a more disturbing picture of American culture? The one serial killer driven by inner demons or the 500 murderers driven by a sick and murderous culture that produces 500? And yet the latter, alas, seems closer to the truth. A sick and murderous culture that, I'd argue, comes full circle by creating actual serial killers, killers who have taken as their role models the fake ones on our screens. America has made serial killing a self-replicating phenomenon.

Don't turn away: Serial killers are America's alibi, and every time you pay your 12 bucks for another serial-killer movie or put one on your Netflix queue, you're feeding the beast.

You're an accomplice. In making serial killers giggly, kitschy chic, we're all accomplices.
Everyone in this room is a murderer, & don't you forget it!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Even Superman?

M. Bouffant said...

Police Beat Editor Figures:

The Big Blue Red & Yellow Cheese is as sick of you murderous fiends as we are.