Sarah Palin said Monday that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant, an announcement campaign aides said was aimed at rebutting Internet rumors that Palin's youngest son, born in April, was actually her daughter's.
This goes beyond satire, lampooning, parody or anything else. Seriously, read it again. Understand fully: In order to dispel rumors that Trig was actually Bristol's child, they had to reveal that Bristol is currently five mos. pregnant. Remember Billy Carter, or Roger Clinton, the last time that rednecks were let into the White House? (Not to mention, of course, such criminal degenerates as the Bush Bros., or that daughter of Jeb's who's always in re-hab.) Hokey Smokes, if we ever get around to re-registering to vote (By the way, are the address-deficient denied their voting rights?) we might just have to go for Sen. McCain & Governor Palin. Talk about your Alaska Gold Rush. This would be the Alaska Comedy Gold Rush.
The usual RW hypocrisy is spread on thickly. As long as Bristol's getting a start on her quiverful, it's OK. Really, women are for use as breeders & for child-rearin', nothin' wrong w/ a good Christian girl gittin' a head start. Like at that nice Warren Jeffs' little preserve out there in Texas. He's got the right idea.
Focus on the Family founder James Dobson issued a statement commending the Palins for "for not just talking about their pro-life and pro-family values, but living them out even in the midst of trying circumstances." He added: "Being a Christian does not mean you're perfect. Nor does it mean your children are perfect. But it does mean there is forgiveness and restoration when we confess our imperfections to the Lord."So, all sinning is OK, as long as we confess afterwards? To hell w/ the laws then. Let each do as he will, & pay in the afterlife. Are we getting this right, Dobson? How's that showering w/ young boys so they know who's boss thing going, Jimmy? Nothing to confess to your feudal "lord" there, right?
No, no, no, Bouff, you don't pay in the afterlife if you're a Christian, because you've been "forgiven". Jesus died for your sins, remember?
Religion Editor's Response:
Oh, yeah. Very difficult to keep their stories straight. We guess that it's only if you don't kiss gawd's ass (by donating to the church/pastor/pope/other layabout relying on your financial support for his/her decadent "life-style") that you suffer, die & go to hell for further suffering.
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