Sunday, September 28, 2008


Paul Newman (l) & Mario Andretti, looking glum. (Photo: Tannen Maury/AFP)
Recollections of Paul Newman from beyond the World of Show Biz™. Namely, the World of Racing©. Specifically, Mario Andretti.
"We were always fighting for the check," Andretti said. "He would never give in, never in anything. One time, we settled a check by betting on how long it would take a beer bottle to hit the floor when it fell off the table. "This time, he says, 'How many people do you think are on the street now between 8th and 9th Avenue?' He says, 'At least 75.' I said, 'No way, at the most 50.' "Our wives roll their eyes and head for the ladies room. Paul and I get up and head out to the street to check out our bet. The poor maitre d' thinks we are running out on the check. "And of course, I was right. There were barely 50 people out there, even when he's trying to count a hobo three times. So we go back and the maitre d' is relieved and I won the bet. Again."

We also heard on the radio that Mr. Newman's outfit of choice at the track (the SCCA, anyway) was Bermuda shorts, flip-flops & a tee-shirt, giving rise to the nickname "Chickenlegs." NB: Actually typed & published early evening of Tuesday 30 September 2008. Just trying to fill the blank, empty space.

1 comment:

Glennis said...

My co-worker's mom worked for the household. The Newmans were the nicest people, she said, and very kidn and generous to her mom, and her sisters.