Thursday, September 11, 2008

"Honor." John McCain Can't Define It, Neither Can We

Just two more date-related items. From the 9/11 that should "be put behind us, so we can move on w/ our lives": The Big Blue Buses (known to much of the rest of the world, if at all, as the City of Santa Monica's bus system) have been driving around today w/ this message on their headsigns (besides route # & destination, of course): "HONOR THE VICTIMS OF 9/11." What the Official Home of The Homeless™, also known as the People's Republic of Santa Monica© means by this is debatable, though we might go out on a limb & suggest that it's an "unpatriotic" message, meaning that the "victims" (& remember, no one is innocent, so there really aren't that many "victims") should not be used as political pawns by the forces who want to continue to hold power, & have no way to do so besides scaring your already yellow-wet pants off you.

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