Dr. Freud, paging Dr. Freud. Below we see Lt. (j. g.) J. S. McCain III w/ his mommy, Roberta, & his superior officer, Adm. J. S. ("Jack") McCain, Jr., beneath a picture of Adm. J. S. McCain, Sr., at the dedication of McCain Field in 1961.

Here we see a photo of J. S. McCain III getting hitched to his second, younger, wife, in 1980.

Besides the obvious physical similarities, the Incredible Shrinking Newspaper™©
McCain's father, Jack, was a deeply ambitious sailor. Nicknamed "Good Goddamn McCain," he was a binge alcoholic who tried fitfully toward the end of his life to control his drinking. "When he was drunk," wrote McCain, "I did not recognize him."
Jack married a charming woman who would be indispensable to his rise in the Navy. Roberta Wright was one of two beautiful identical twins, rich young women whose father had retired at 40 after making a killing as an oil wildcatter. Jack and Roberta eloped to Tijuana and were married in a room above Caesar's, the restaurant where, some say, the famous salad originated.
If marrying an heiress was good enough for Daddy, why shouldn't it work for Trey? We have a vague sort of idea about George W. Bush's relationship (Oedipal) w/ his "Poppy." Do we need another fucked-up psychiatric basket case working his problems out on the world stage? Not to go out on a limb here, but perhaps not.
Another exciting factoid from the Liberal Hymnal™©:
In fact, McCain lives by a series of honor codes, instilled in him by his father (an admiral) and his father's father (also an admiral). To boil them down to their simplest formulation: One must never lie, cheat or steal. McCain would be the first to admit that he has failed, sometimes spectacularly, at all three. But he also has perfected the familiar American ritual of coming clean and moving on.
Wouldn't it be nice if someone, somewhere were held accountable for something & publicly shamed, fired, etc., rather than being forgiven over & over, as the religio-hypocrites love doing? Let alone getting a "Medal of Freedom" for allowing attacks on New York & the Pentagon. (We mean you, George Tenet.)
But back to McCain & his "moral code." We're pretty much doubled up laughing. "Don't lie, cheat or steal." Wow, that's a new one. Very strict too. Dropping bombs on civilians from the relative safety of a jet aircraft is no moral or ethical problem. And allowing the torture of others in your name is cool.
Really, the only "moral code" (of course the filthy, non-ending hypocrisy of those who chant "morality, morals, blah blah blah" incessantly has taken all value from the word "moral") one needs is "Do unto others as,
etc." as first espoused by Gautama Buddha some 500 yrs. before the best part of the sky-fairy Jeezis ran down Joseph's leg. Or, to put it in terms even AmeriKKKans can understand: "Don't be a fucking asshole, asshole."
Even his buddies admit he's a weaselly fuckwad.
"He is the best apologizer in politics," said Dan Schnur, who was McCain's campaign spokesman in 2000 and now directs the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at USC.
One doesn't become "the best apologizer" w/o much for which to apologize.
Let's be nice for thirty seconds, or at least note something interesting & possibly decent.
In his biography, "John McCain: An American Odyssey," Timberg wrote that McCain began cheating on Carol while serving in a training squadron in Florida. "Off duty, usually on routine cross-country flights to Yuma and El Paso, John started carousing and running around with women," he wrote. Carol McCain told Timberg, the only writer to have interviewed her extensively about the breakup, that McCain's imprisonment had nothing to do with their divorce: "I attribute it more to John turning 40 and wanting to be 25 again."
But there is no question she was devastated. And their three children, Doug and Andy -- Carol's sons who McCain had adopted -- and Sidney, their daughter, were wounded as well. None attended their father's wedding.
"I was certainly mad and disappointed at Dad," Andy McCain told the New York Times in 2000. "I hold him responsible. I don't hold Cindy responsible one bit." Andy, 46, is chief financial officer of Cindy McCain's beer distributorship.
Pretty amazing that Andy, not even J. Sidney's biological son, has a job w/ Cinderella's beer company. That would seem at first glance to be a nice thing, but who knows what or who is being paid off? You can imagine that Andy could have been quite a bit of trouble for his step-father's various political campaigns, like Giuliani's son. And surprise, he doesn't hold Cinderella, his employer, one bit responsible for the whole ugly mess. No cheating, remember? (Hey, we can't be nice for even thirty seconds. What do you know?)
A last question, raised by the photos in the
Times piece.
If this is Sid meeting his wife (The first one, Carol, in case you're confused.) after getting off the plane (no dates more specific than 1973, thanks
Times) at Travis AFB, say, directly from Hanoi or a stop-over in Hawaii, & he's moving under his own power

then what's the dilly-o that he manages to be gimping it up on crutches (Remember the days of wooden ones?) when he meets The Nix, also in 1973?

We get a very slight impression from the Senator that he thinks his interminable (for him, sure, but in the telling thereof over & over as well) imprisonment has entitled him to be President of these United Snakes. Guess again, Mr. "Moral Code."
Weaselly Fuckwad!!!??
I Like it!!!
The Editor Replies:
Ah, a fellow connoisseur of English. Thank you.
Hey, Bouff, when did khaki quit being used for naval uniforms? Khaki is the only color that has been used for all branches of the service at one time or another, to my knowledge. The air force had a particularly strange use of it in the 50s, when they had khaki uniforms with blue caps.
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