Rerun time again. Amazing how the yrs. pass like nothing; before we know it, we can recycle the same stories again.
Below: A smiling Augusto Pinochet enjoys privatizing Chile's Social Security.
There is another anniversary to be recognized today, of an event 35 yrs. ago. Rather than making you click your way to it (although for
the full effect you might want to) we'll just grab our text & repro it right here.
From the commentariat @ Sadly, No!, we are reminded by Qetesh the Abyssinian (even as we watch MSNBC re-running the Today show of six years ago, w/ the whole mess) of a previous 11 September, in Chile. Let's go to Qetesh: Finally, let’s not forget the other September 11th. I just wish that some idiots would realise that behaviour like the first leads to behaviour like the second.
She spells in that cute way because she's a cat, & lives in Australia.
Below, the last photo of Salvador Allende before his murder at the hands of fascist thugs supported & financed by the CIA, on the orders of Richard "Murderhous" Nixon & Henry "Killer" Kissinger. 
Should you wish some sort of editorial comment on this all-AmeriKKKan mess, the Incredible Shrinking Newspaper™© has
some, although it's weak-kneed, & acts as if economic success is worth it, even at the cost of the lives of thousands, & most of the success is reserved for those who were already successful.
And Timothy Garton Ash, a "senior fellow" (Does that sound gay or just queer?) at the Hoover Institution, nonetheless has an
op-ed concerning "authoritarian capitalism." No, he doesn't think that's redundant. Manufactured consent is just as good as natural consent to him. His closing line, by the way?
Pessimism of the intellect must be matched by optimism of the will.
If not an outright triumph thereof.
Remember when the "free market" guaranteed that political democracy would follow, as sure as night follows day? Believe you us, we knew better then, & now it may be occurring to those who spread that particular big lie, as well. (They're not stupid, they're just slow, & blinded by their ideologies.) Indeed, we recently heard some fuckwad on the right (perhaps from the Bush Administration itself) spewing some crap about how a democracy somewhere would soon lead to a free market. Isn't it the other way around? We only wish we had a better recall of the country to which the clown in question was referring.
Note (If you give a shit.): Due to the deadline restraints mentioned immediately below, we made some additions & changes to this item, @1257 PDT, rendering it slightly different from the version posted @1143.
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