A '60s publicity shot of the murdered Bullwinkle™©.
Below: Circumstantial evidence. Gov. Palin & an unidentified daughter pose w/ a just murdered caribou, in an undated AP photo.
Below, Bullwinkle™© & his long-time partner, Rocket J. Squirrel™©, in happier times.
Millions of "Baby Boomers" are mourning the death of Bullwinkle The Moose™©, shot dead in cold (Very cold, it's Alaska!!) blood by presumptive Republican Vice-Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who apparently got a craving for
her favorite food ([Palin] "said her favorite meal at home is moose burgers and caribou sausages") went out, & plugged the cartoon icon as he was foraging through garbage cans near Gov. Palin's pad. The moose had apparently fallen on hard times recently, as his early 1960s contract w/ Jay Ward Productions did not provide for residual payments, & the heartless bastards at the Walt Disney Company, who had acquired the rights to the moose's image & television programs, had told him to "fuck off & die" when he requested consideration for the use of his image & voice.
Bullwinkle's long-time companion-partner, Rocket J. Squirrel™©, was reported to be under psychiatric evaluation & sedation at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., near the squirrel's home, Frostbite Falls, after making alternating threats to commit suicide or go after the Alaska Governess w/ a hunting rifle of his own. The squirrel had made better investments than his moose companion, which was a major factor in their break-up following the release of a re-union movie in 2000,
The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle.
Oh, no! Does that mean that Disney owns the rights to ME??!? Heaven forfend!
The Editor States Baldly:
You lose, Louise! The rights to you are bought & sold.
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