We again see Sen. McCain (& Gov. Palin) for the cowards they are. McCain, the surrender monkey, whose first instincts are to sell out any one he can ("Country First!!") as soon as his foolishness gets him into enemy hands, & Palin, who hasn't spoken word one to anyone since her ABC interview a wk. ago ("Bush Doctrine? Whazzat?" Look, it's Russia, right over there!!") & is still maintaining press silence. Insert the sound of chickens going "Bwok, bwok, bwok!!"
Some commie callers to squawk radio have been expressing the hope that this is the end for the McCain/Palin ticket, which only proves that hope is bullshit, but what are we to make of this huge cop-out?
Now we hear that CBS ("IBM when I CBS") late night host David Letterman, who had McCain booked on tonight's Late Show until the "suspension," had some rather mean things to say about John Sidney III. One may want to tune in later. 2335 E & P, 2235 Central, on your local CBS station.
You missed Palin's interview w/ Katy Couric on CBS. Couric lobbed softballs at the hockey mom, which Palin couldn't even answer. Case in point: Couric asked her about McCain's campaign manager's getting money from Freddie Mac (or was it Fannie Mae?) and Palin replied, "I'll have to find out and get back to you on that." I mean, this so-called pit bull is utterly unable to handle herself in an interview with the press. Joe Biden is going to make her look like the vapid moron she is in the debates (if they have 'em, which may be the real reason McCain "suspended" his campaign).
The Editor Replies:
Yes, that woman is an amazing piece of work. And other than apparently getting the right wing radical evangelists all hot & bothered again, she's done virtually nothing to improve the McCain poll numbers or the campaign in general. Ha ha.
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