We recently had a two-star Marine general commanding in western Iraq begging for efficiency and renewables to untether him from fuel convoys, so he could carry out his more important missions. [...] The costs, risks, and distractions of fuel convoys and power supplies in theater have focused a great deal of senior military attention on the need for not dragging around this fat fuel-logistics tail -- therefore for making military equipment and operations several-fold more energy efficient. [...] Meanwhile, about a third of our army's wartime fuel use is for generator sets, and nearly all of that electricity is used to air-condition tents in the desert, known as "space cooling by cooling outer space."Yep, that would be America, trying to cool down all outdoors... From a tree-hugger outfit, via The Plank.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
War In Ah Babylon
Jesus For Jews
"Art Makes Me Cry."

Monday, July 30, 2007
The East Is Red Pt. II

Morbidity Report (Photo Update)

Tom S. in better days (w/ Cynthia Plastercaster, 1995).
(What a telling indictment of our species: The death of a talented, popular broadcaster brings to our minds only lurid, insignificant details of his life, and this is compounded by technology that allows us to broadcast these tawdry details in a sad effort to draw some attention to ourselves.)
"D'oh!" (The East Is Red)

"The new task force, sources have told me, mostly worries that if it were called upon to deliver 'prompt' global strikes against certain targets in Iran under some emergency circumstances, the president might have to be told that the only option is a nuclear one," Arkin said.
"But after long debate, the highest levels of the military could not forecast a way in which things would end favorably for the United States," the two experts wrote in Sunday's New York Times.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Something Vaguely Positive From The Blog-Ö-Sphere
American Nazis To Return to Cp'l. Klinger's Hometown

"There are two different goals to show the blacks we are not scared and we will go anywhere they will go," said Justin Boyer, who lives in central Ohio
but would not give a specific location.
"The second goal is to show whites in the neighborhoods that they shouldn't be afraid of black crime."
"We have to understand that their purpose is to spew hate," Mr. Ashford said. "We don't want an incident like last time … that got completely out of control."
City leaders, learning Wednesday night of the group's intention, moved to prevent violence similar to the riot that erupted Oct. 15, 2005, when neo-Nazis tried to march in the vicinity of Woodward High School and Wilson Park.
Here in L. A., we know what a riot is (complete breakdown in police order, and much of the social order as well) and we don't think what you had was a real "riot."
Black Rifles

Saturday, July 28, 2007
Still The Realist

Friday, July 27, 2007
It Really Happened

Summer's Almost...

As the days grow shorter, a reminder: the future's uncertain & the end is always near. YouTube has disabled embedding "by request," so you'll need to click.

Swimming W/ Single-Digit Salamanders
Since his unceremonious departure from the House in 1998, Gingrich has become Newt Inc. -- one part provocateur, one part entrepreneur, who stirs debate in his party and in journalistic circles, gets Sunday talk show invites and draws audiences on the lecture circuit. A presidential flirtation helps Gingrich further raise his profile, push his ideas and sell his books.Wonder why? From ABC News/WaPo 18-21 July. 403 polled. Rudy Giuliani 34% John McCain 16% Fred Thompson 14% Mitt Romney 8% Newt Gingrich 7% Tommy Thompson 3% Mike Huckabee 2% Duncan Hunter 2% Ron Paul 2% Sam Brownback 2% Tom Tancredo 1% None of these (vol.) 5% Wouldn't vote (vol.) 1% Unsure 5% We didn't know how poorly Mittens is doing, but it warms our evil heart. We're none too happy about Rudy G. atop the pile though.
There'll Always Be An England (Annals Of The Supernatural)

Four decades after John Lennon said the Beatles were 'bigger than Jesus,' the Living TV Paranormal Report 2002 suggests the supernatural has overtaken religion as a central belief in people's lives.
Forty-seven per cent of people in the UK say they believe in intelligent life on another planet, 57 per cent in ghosts, and 67 per cent in the power of psychics.
Only 36 per cent say they believe in the idea of a God.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Your Tax Dollars @ Work (Soon To Be Lurking Over A Neighborhood Near Yours) UPDATED 27 July

UPDATE: Much better angle on the X-48B! (27 July, early p. m.)
Related Items
STOCK TIP: Alcoa/Reynolds Wrap expecting increase in sales as tin-foil headgear usage becomes more & more popular:

DMV, Our Large, Pasty, White Ass!!! (Or: Just Another Blog™ Seeks Help)
Total Running Time: Seven hrs. & change, minus a half-hr. "lunch."
Do tell Just Another Blog™ which you think is more important, mental health for the great American unwashed, or renewing your permission to drive around while getting fat, spewing smoke & financing Bin Laden & Wahhabi madrasas?

*Or whatever the fuck it's called in whichever toilet of a state or province (Hello, Canadian friends!) you live in.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
What, Me Worry?

In better days. From WASHINGTON Life."Not the TSP?" responded Sen. Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y. "Come on. If you say it's about other, that implies not. Now say it or not."
"It was not," Gonzales answered. "It was about other intelligence activities."
A four-page memo from the national intelligence director's office shows that the White House briefing with the eight lawmakers on March 10, 2004, was about the terror
surveillance program, or TSP.

Image from Dudehisattva.
And in other news, it's 84ºF in here @ 1621!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
This "Web Log" Is Not Reactionary

Friendly E-Mail

Hey Bouff,Boy howdy, you know it!! That's why there's an entire label/category for this "web log" called: "Blogger Bitching."
I had some pithy comments to make about your Jonah Goldberg post..... but fucking Blogspot won't accept my comments!
Tell those cheesy fuckers to get their fucking blog program working!
Lying Liebrul Double-Plus-Ungoodness

Indeed, I leave this Saturday for our annual Goldberg Family peregrination West.We don't know which parts of the West, but here in L. A. we're worried. Just Another Blog™ does not make Chee-tos™ a regular part of its diet, but those in the West who do are advised to stock up now.

Monday, July 23, 2007
Heat Death Of The Universe

As well as too hot to trot. Or even to move @ a glacial pace in the shade.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
The Slime
Mrs. Paul's Fishstick, Ron Paul

To the best of Just Another Blog™'s recollection (& a minimal amount of research) no candidate from the House of Representatives has even been nominated for the presidency in this or the previous century. (Please correct us if we're wrong, but be kind about it.) Of late, the gig has been going mostly to governors or recent ex-governors, G. Herbert W. Bush being the exception (like his son, the current Murderer-in-Chief, G. H. W. was a legacy, having been R. W. Reagan's veep). Indeed, Lyndon Johnson was the last pres. elected to have been a senator w/o gubernatorial experience, and of course he had been the vice-pres.
Few of those nominated have even had much House experience, other than G. R. Ford, and we all know how he got the Republican nomination in '76. Virtually all those nominated by either party have been senators or govs. in their immediately previous governmental positions, except Johnson, Ford & Bush I.
What Just Another Blog™ is getting at is that Ron Paul, even if he weren't the virtual definition of "wing-nut," has the proverbial snowball's chance in
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Is Just Another Blog™ Being Stalked? By A Celebrity?

"I am not in a position to judge people but from their appearance, they look like they like to consume and accessorise," he says. "It seems like a lot of work, putting stuff in your hair or spending longer than an hour a year buying clothes. When they start hurting kids or punching old ladies, then it's time to be concerned, but if it's just cologne and shoes, what's the harm?"
*Not to be confused @ any time w/ H. R. of Bad Brains (though they're both from Wash., D. C.). Or H. R. Giger.
Friday, July 20, 2007
RealFake Music For Real People
"Black Plague" -- Pontius Pilate & the Nail-Pounding Four "Let the Eagle Soar" -- Ashcroft & Simpson "No Talent Sluts From Hell" -- Pussycat Dulls "Never Again" -- DJ Dickwad "I Would Simply Disagree" -- Nervous Norvous "Pull the Plug" -- Nation of Sheep "Crab Lice Boogie" -- The Dreadful Grate "You Belong to Me" -- L. Ron Hitler "Farmer John" -- The Premieres "Voices in My Head" -- DSM IV "Say What?" -- Manny, Moe & Melvin
On This Date In History

A Trip to The Store (Reprise)
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Let's Have A War (We Don't Have Enough Problems As Is)

The US is desperate to implement its century-old dream of world hegemony and the elimination of Russia as its principal obstacle to the full control of Eurasia.
And on a more immediate, physical level:
The Russian planes, which are now used for surveillance, were shadowed from their base in the Arctic Circle by two Norwegian F18s before being met by the RAF planes. They turned back before reaching British airspace.
--RAF dude, from The Scotsman.
Fortunately, diplomacy continues:
British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said on Monday that Britain would expel four diplomats from the Russian embassy in London due to Russia's refusal to extradite a main suspect in the poisoning case, Andrei Lugovoi, who was accused of murdering Litvinenko.--People's Daily
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Don't Try This Chez Vous!
Mid-Week M. Of I.
Return Of The Gun (For Wholesale Slaughter Of Non-European People)

And good thing, too, because next year the Typhoon will deploy to Afghanistan for its combat debut. And in Afghanistan, as in Iraq, guns are often the weapon of choice for close air support missions.
Last year I was embedded with a Marine fighter squadron in western Iraq that used its guns frequently. One female pilot even gleefully described literally chasing down insurgents with gunfire as they fled an engagement.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
"Why Bush Will Be A Winner" NOT!! NOT!! NOT!! NOT!! NOT!!

Greenbelt, Md.: You have been wrong about every important prediction you have made about the outcome of this war and this presidency -- why should anyone pay attention to you now?
William Kristol: Feel free not to!
Monday, July 16, 2007
Too Hot, Too Sweaty, Too Bored...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Facial Hair Farming
Meanwhile, Metallica's new album is due out in early 2008, with bassist Robertt Trujillo telling Blabbermouth: "There's a lot of everything, man. There's speed on this. There's a couple of tracks where you're gonna go, 'Wow!' and I know you're gonna like it because it has the flavor of the old. But it has this kind of groove and power behind it that I think is us today."(From the "Only form of life lower than a musician is an actor" file.)
Sunday In The Park With Bambi & Gojira
Journey To The Other Side Of The World

Meat of the matter:
The Red Mosque crisis symbolizes the devil's bargain Pakistan's ruling elites have struck with Islamic radicals since independence from Britain, a tacit understanding that has turned this nuclear-armed state into a terrifying cauldron of instability. Cracking down on the fundies could lead to civil war. Doing nothing, the government's usual approach, almost certainly will.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Riot, A Riot, A Riot Of My Own

"Fan Mail from Some Flounder?" Dep't.
Dear Brother/Sister's in Lord Christ Jesus. Calvary greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,I am former Mr Ahmedaliza Wasilat ,now Mr Christain Davis,,I am now a new Christian convert,suffering from long time cancer of the heart. From all indications, my condition is really deteriorating and is quite obvious that I may not live more than six months, because the cancer stage has gotten to a very severe stage.My late wife was killed during the Gulf war, and during the period of our marriage we had a son who was also killed in a cold blood during the Gulf war.My late wife was very wealthy and after her death,I inherited all our business and wealth. My personal physician told me that I may not live for more than six months and I am so scared about this. So, I now decided to divide part of this wealth, by contributing to the development of evangelism in Africa,America, Europe and Asian Countries. This mission which will no doubt be tasking had made me to recenlty relocated to Israel,where I live presently. I selected your church after visiting the website for this purpose and prayed over it, I am willing to donate the sum of 19.500,000.00 Million US Dollars to your Church/Ministry for the development of evangelism and also as aids for the less privileged around you.Just Another Blog would like to know to which "website/church" this fucking parasite was referring. And: Is being killed "in a cold blood" anything like being "in a cold sweat," James Brown-stylee?
This Machine Kills Fascists (And Is Needed More Than Ever Today)

Le Quatorze Juillet

Therefore, Just Another Blog™ urges all its fellow citizens to get down to the prisons, free all the prisoners, and separate the heads of the upper classes from the bodies of the upper classes! Now! The French did it 218 years ago today, & Just Another Blog™ hears their health system is even better than the Canadians'. What do we have to lose? Go ahead, we'll be right behind you, just gotta get the pitchfork & some more hand grenades.
Allez-Vous Faire Enculer, Espèces des Cons!!
I Gotcher Your Balls In A Plastic Bag

Friday, July 13, 2007

Unlucky Friday The Thirteenth Random Musical Event
Here's the list. Thou shalt have no other list before this one:
"Fish Guts in the Moonlight" -- Hootie & Blofeld "Street Rolex" -- Raffi "Cover of the Rolling Stone" -- Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show "Been There, Done That" -- Teen-Age Jesus & Ed "Muskrat Vivisection" -- Grotesque Trolls of Orkney "Hungry Goat" -- Amphetamine Brain Trust "Stressin'" -- The Botox Boise "I Wrote You a Letter But I Couldn't Spell "Phhllbtspkf" And That's All I Got to Say" -- Sam the Sham & The Pharaohs "Behind The Eight-Ball With You" -- Take Orally "Just Once" -- Chartreuse Loafer Set Bonus Track: "Heart Attack (In Your Ass)" -- Mayflower Tea Club
I'm Like A One-Eyed Cat, Peepin' at A Sea Food Store
Thursday, July 12, 2007
No, Really, Google Wants To Help You Help Yourself

But Google is not our friend. Schmidt's iGoogle vision of the future is not altruistic, and his company is not a nonprofit group dedicated to the realization of human self-understanding.Save yourselves before it's too late.
More Mormon Mockery

Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Hitler Youth Update