Tom Snyder's death brings to mind this tale, told to Just Another Blog™ by someone who knew engineers @ KNBC, so take it w/ as many grains of salt as you like: When Mr. Snyder was anchoring the news @ Channel 4 in the early '70s, he found it amusing to say something along the lines of, "I really have to urinate," just after his microphone should have been turned off. This cute practice kept the audio operators on their toes. There is, alas, no indication whether any of these bon mots ever went over the air, or if anything ever happened to Mr. Snyder's car in the parking lot as a result.
Tom S. in better days (w/ Cynthia Plastercaster, 1995).
(What a telling indictment of our species: The death of a talented, popular broadcaster brings to our minds only lurid, insignificant details of his life, and this is compounded by technology that allows us to broadcast these tawdry details in a sad effort to draw some attention to ourselves.)
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The Editor Responds:
Just Another Blog™ is inclined to believe that "rock'n'roll" is on a respirator at the moment, but guys like Imigrante may help to pull it through, or at least keep its memory alive.
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