Thursday, July 5, 2007

How The Mean Libruls Scared Little Scooter Until Freddy The Fat Fink Saved His Bacon

No, no, he's no "Washington insider." Just a rat. A snitch.
"Why ol' Fred's hones' as the day is long. He's jes' la'k you'n'me, driving that ol' red pick-up aroun', chawin' 'n spittin'. He don't even know people like that "Scooter" feller, who ever he is."
Sweet Blood of Cheese-wiz™, this is the "power elite" in this nation? These pathetic liars & hypocrites have been, or think they deserve to be, chosen to lead & defend our country? Have we no one better to offer? Indeed, if we can't find Americans able to do these jobs, Just Another Blog™ may need to re-think its position on job outsourcing. India's at least as democratic as the U. S. of A., and there's a larger population base to draw from.

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