If you're really paying attention (although who could possibly pay much attention at this stage in the horse race?) you may've heard about the Texas representative in the Republican race to be sacrificed, one
Ron Paul. Rep. Paul, a self-proclaimed "libertarian" who nonetheless runs & serves as a Republican, has received a certain amount of media attention, partly because his libertarian statements appeal to ignorant twenty-nothings who vote in internet polls & become his "friend" on Facebook, MySpace & other such "social networking" websites. This sort of thing is very interesting to television & print media types who see their viewer/readership declining & hope they can get some of it back by playing up the representative in their broadcasts/print runs. It's not going to happen though. Besides the lengthy electoral analysis below (well, lengthy for this "web log" anyway) Rep. Ron is, if not certifiable, very very
"wacky." As are many of his
supporters. The guy who started this little dust-up
comments here.
To the best of Just Another Blog™'s recollection (& a minimal amount of research) no candidate from the House of Representatives has even been nominated for the presidency in this or the previous century. (Please correct us if we're wrong, but be kind about it.) Of late, the gig has been going mostly to governors or recent ex-governors, G. Herbert W. Bush being the exception (like his son, the current Murderer-in-Chief, G. H. W. was a legacy, having been R. W. Reagan's veep). Indeed, Lyndon Johnson was the last pres. elected to have been a senator w/o gubernatorial experience, and of course he had been the vice-pres.
Few of those nominated have even had much House experience, other than G. R. Ford, and we all know how he got the Republican nomination in '76. Virtually all those nominated by either party have been senators or govs. in their immediately previous governmental positions, except Johnson, Ford & Bush I.
What Just Another Blog™ is getting at is that Ron Paul, even if he weren't the virtual definition of "wing-nut," has the proverbial snowball's chance in
Southern CaliforniaHell. The same goes for the other two Representatives in the Republican race, Tom "Those damn Meskins don't go to Berlitz© for English lessons before they walk across our border & steal our high-paying jobs, and when they do get here they don't work cheaply enough for my corporate masters"
Tancredo, and the as yet unindicted representative
Duncan Hunter (
R-Defense Industry Scams). Just Another Blog™ wishes the very best to each of these three toads, because they'll need all the luck they can get to make it out of Iowa, assuming they're even competing there.
1 comment:
You didn't even tell the craziest parts of Paul's message!
He wants to limit government to it's constitutional role!
He wants to eliminate the income tax!
He wants to dismantle the American Empire, and return the Republic to us.
He wants to allow people to be free to make their own decisions!
Anybody who thinks that the constitution is important or that people should be free is obviously crazy. At least that's what the government run schools taught me.
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