So you whiny (& you've not seen "whiny" 'till you've read a few items here) air-polluting middle-class pigs who bitch & moan about the DMV
* and its lousy service, poor attitudes, interminable waits,
etc., think
you have it rough, do you? Hah!! Just Another Blog™ is back from an appointment @ the Los Angeles County Dep't. of Mental Health's Hollywood Mental Health Center. There @ 0800, not called for "intake" until 1110, then two hrs. of said intake w/ licensed psychiatric social worker (mostly talking about ourself, so that went too quickly). Then 30 mins. max. to hit Taco Smell (A Remarkable Simulation™®) for a mess of bovine extracts w/ crisp, nutritionally worthless iceberg lettuce. And back up the street by 1400 for another hr. of self-discovery w/ an actual shrink.
Total Running Time: Seven hrs. & change, minus a half-hr. "lunch."
Do tell Just Another Blog™ which you think is more important, mental health for the great American unwashed, or renewing your permission to drive around while getting fat, spewing smoke & financing Bin Laden & Wahhabi

Remeber, every mile (or kilometer) you drive puts US$ in this dude's bank.
*Or whatever the fuck it's called in whichever toilet of a state or province (Hello, Canadian friends!) you live in.
Hey, Bouff, good for you! Relax, future appts. at the County Mental Health Dept. will not be so arduous. I just breezed in there at my appt. time (or about ten minutes ahead), saw my p-doc with less of a wait than with most private doctors, and went down to Astral pharmacy on Hollywood Blv., where the County's computerized script system had already transmitted my script to the pharmacist. It's very easy once you get in the system, and now you're in!
Good thing no one reads this mess...
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