Thursday, July 12, 2007

More Mormon Mockery

Alleged angel Moroni appears to Joe Smith in his bedroom. If a seven foot guy in a white dress "appeared" in Just Another Blog's™ bedroom said dress would have "angel" blood & shotgun pellets all over it before you could say "Oh, flip!" (Painting from Dr. Wob.)
While Just Another Blog™ takes a back seat to no blog in its firm, uncompromising stance against religion, theism & all other mystical, superstitious whatnot, we are inclined to believe that one Christopher Hitchens might have gone just a leettle bit overboard in his disgust for/fear of the Muslim other, to the extent that he actually seems to swallow virtually all of the current administration's horseshit vis-à-vis its schoolyard bully reaction to 11 Sept. 2001, that is, picking the closest weakling (Iraq) & "throwing it against the wall to prove that we mean business," in the immoral (no, there is not supposed to be a "t" in there) words of Michael Ledeen.
Nonetheless, "Hitch" does a good job on Joe Smith (NOT the guy who used to run Warner Bros. Records) & his colossal con job, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, @ some large, corporate website.


Larry Harmon said...

So where is the link to what Christopher Hitchens said? Not that I'm a fan of Mr Hitchens, when I subscribed to *The Nation*, I used to skip his column. Actually, after they gave Michael Moore (the over-stater of the painfully obvious and professional baseball cap wearer) a column, well, between him and Katha Pollitt, the self involved, self important would-be feminist from the Upper West Side whose "vision" barely reaches the end of her nose... I gave up on *The Nation*. I find that the *New York Review of Books* fulfills my need for leftist-commie-pinko propaganda,

M. Bouffant said...

Herr Doktor Editor Replies: It's the last one, "large corporate website." At the bottom. Lemme jes' check & see if it works. Yep, it do.