Monday, August 19, 2024

News From Bizarro World

I don't get it. I thought the International Jew was behind Marxist authoritarianism. Now we're supposed to worry about this Jihadist threat? How do we know the Elders of Zion aren't running the jihadis who somehow took over running the Marxist threat from their greatest enemy, the Jews?
Harris delivered this pronouncement while her Lady-In-Waiting Tim Walz stood behind her, looking pensive or miserable, depending on your point of view. Did the flicker of a thought cross his mind about how Harris was taking a great many words to say very little, and that some of her sentences actually made very little sense, if they made any at all? It’s more likely that Tim Walz, a longtime party apparatchik, years ago forbid himself from thinking such thoughts, and was focusing simply on looking as if the boss was saying something deep, because it seemed like maybe she was, and he knows enough not to break character.

But what was it that Harris actually said? Her sentences were overextended and needlessly complicated, but what she was actually saying was clear enough. Our election, she said, is about understanding the importance of America in terms of our global significance as the world’s foremost democracy. So far so good, at least from the leftist perspective. The line from this authoritarian and undemocratic regime, which has framed its principal opponent for numerous bogus crimes and collaborated with the social media giants to limit the speech of its critics, is that Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Elect these Marxist authoritarians, goes the line, or democracy in America will come to an end.

This sad clown is literally nothing but projection. Though I'm not really sure where he's going w/ "Lady-In-Waiting Tim Walz", unless he was thinking of J.D. Vance in his blonde wig.

From Jihad Watch, a Bizarro World website. Also projected (& at greater length) at PJ Media (which I can only assume stands for Paranoid Jagoffs) where the typist even cranks out the old "Never mind that there is no democracy in America in the first place, and that what we have is not a democracy, but a representative republic". Oh brave new world, where everything stupid is new again.

1 comment:

Al said...

Both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are giant zionist warmongers who take bags of shekels from the pro-Israel lobby and I consider them both to be traitors to the American workers. The US government was taken over by the pro-Israel zionist a long time ago and I want my country back. The
US/NATO/Israel axis of evil must be defeated in order for that to happen but I have my doubts.