Sunday, August 25, 2024

Therapy Is A Lie

Sunday Is A Suicidal Suckfest

Why It's So Hard to Find a Therapist Who Takes Insurance  —  America is in the midst of a mental health crisis.  —  But finding a therapist who takes insurance can feel impossible.  —  Insurers say that's because there aren't enough therapists.  —  That's not entirely true.
Here's why not to arse yourself w/ more of the gawddamned non-stop lying bullshit that depressed you in the first place: It's not you (no one decent & humane can long remain sane in this world of shit & pain) it's a pig society that, to give but one fucking example of just how fucked & hypocritical it is, makes it impossible to find a therapist that'll take insurance. Insurance is as much a lie as therapy. Figures the two would get together to fuck us all, good & hard.

And what exactly do these magical head-candlers do? Probably requires the least effort of any specialty. Suggest you conform, & then give you drugs to fuck w/ your brain & return you to being a happy, well-adjusted &, most important, productive member of society. "Hmmm. That's interesting. How did that make you feel?" "Well your fifty minutes are up, let's see what drug samples I can palm off on you from the batch the large-breasted pharmaceutical saleswoman left on her last visit." Only problem is, the only effects the medications will have are the side effects.

How about the time I had an appointment w/ my croaker, & arrived in such a state of rage (caused by the shitty transit system in this shithole county) & hypertension that he said I should be dead. He later suggested he could send me to a psychiatrist who'd get me so doped up I wouldn't feel anything. Nice. Just what Hitler & Stalin wanted. Fuck medical science along w/ everything else.

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