Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Testify, Brother!

J.C. at B.J.:

It’s Like They Want a Riot

Look, if someone does hurt the cop, at least we can be assured the local police will do a thorough investigation and not leave his body to roast on the pavement for four hours in the afternoon sun like they did for Michael Brown. Besides, shouldn’t you have something to fear when you shoot an unarmed teen eight times, most in the back as he fled unarmed? I have no sympathy for this man whatsoever. Release his damned name. Now.
Plus which, pix of the wooden "pellets" the pigs are firing at people they've cordoned who can't disperse after the oinking bastards scream at them to do so & other police terror activities,pictured & described. Also a link to Vox, which has even more.

If Obama weren't a consensus-seeking, conciliatory, scared-to-be-seen-as-angry-&-black sissy he'd call out the U.S. fucking Army & its collection of vicious torturing thugs (NO LINK NEEDED. YOU ALL KNOW!) to keep the various St. Louis County police forces under control. They're going to impeach him, Prez Chickenshit might as well give them an actual reason to do it. Can't fucking run again, what's he scared of, Wall Street?
WEB OF EVIL, the web log what gives you both versions! (We're going paywall soon; see the extras you'll still get?)


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

If Obama weren't a consensus-seeking, conciliatory, scared-to-be-seen-as-angry-&-black sissy

You speeled "vicious and corrupt Wall Street whore" rong.

bjkeefe said...

I will never pay for a website that embeds The Cash.

Weird Dave said...

You speeled "vicious and corrupt Wall Street whore" rong.

Now Thunder, I never thought he was particularly vicious (I will give you the, "corrupt Wall Street whore" part).

I will never pay for a website that embeds The Cash

What? I liked Johnny Cash.

Oh yeah. Fuck the Pigs (they really are trying to make it worse).