Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Pito Perry Posing

Digby has unearthed Rick Perry in a different pose than the one we like to run from his Corps of Cadets photo session.
"Normal" people laugh at goons like this playing brown shirt dress-up; many Republicans, however, think dirty thoughts of George W. Bush in his flight suit & have to leave the room for a minute when confronted w/ such uniformed manliness standing right next to Old Glory. Be still my beating throbbing ... sorry.

When did lazy Hollywood typecasting became the primary criterion for Republican presidential candidates? Granted it's the 1940s (When Hollywood was Jewish producers selling Catholic values to a predominantly Protestant audience, everyone knew their places & even the darkies were godly & happy.) typecasting that reactionaries consider a societal & cultural model almost as gawd-revealed/infallible/inspired/inerrant/whatever as their Bible. Even so, ironic that those who so bravely excoriate the entertainment industry for all its alleged liberal brain-washing fall hard for any man in a uniform. Not that anyone suggests Republicans are anything but fetishists of the shallowest flag-pin & crying eagle patriotism. (And deep but substanceless rage.)
Pito Ricky's hairstyle is the "You can have it as long as you want on top
as long as it's not over your ears or collar."
Popular (among parents) in my youth.
(Sometimes it's the "Acne on the forehead comb-over.")
Takes a helluva polo player & real military genius to deploy the Texas National Guard in a pointless display on the border w/ Mexico. Perry calling out the Guard on the vague possibility that all recordings of his 2012 debate appearances & earlier recordings flapping his gums about Texas secession & being a theocratic dickwad will be erased, giving him a chance at the tarnished brass ring come 2016 sounds vaguely criminal to this reporter. (Time to impeach, Texans?)

Hope the Guard are cool w/ contributing their summer vacations to Perry's campaign. Because they will definitely not be cool while they're milling around uselessly wondering what the fuck they're doing in the heat & drought.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Rick Perry is...

Full Metal Jackass.

Jules said...

Whoops, sat on my hat!
Whew! Good as new.

M. Bouffant said...

Psychiatric Photo Editor:
A little story I missed.

He must have hat issues (Backward ballcap? Sheesh, just put it back in your pants, Rick.) & as any good Freudian knows, sometimes a hat is a brain.