Wednesday, July 9, 2014


"Business leaders" (English: Putrid scum.) have a we're-running-low-on-indentured-servants-so-pass-some-immigration-reform press event in some place called Waukesha, in the Cannibal State*.
But things got kinda of [sic] weird when a local developer named Dagoberto Ibarra got up to make an impassioned speech which ended with him saying "I'm not seeing anybody doing anything. This is the most useless Congress in the last eight years, because a nigger is in charge."
No "niggers" in charge of Congress, you fucking ignorant Spanish-surnamed moron. Someone check his papers. Schnell!!

The local fish-wrapper of record quotes organizers of the event:
"Orville (Seymer, of the conservative group Citizens for Responsible Government) asked him to help assist us by being part of the backdrop for the visual," said George Klaetsch, a member of the Partnership for a New Economy, an immigration reform group founded by former New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg

Klaetsch and Seymer, who both spoke at the news conference, had appeared nervous when Ibarra approached the microphone.

"The first four minutes of his speech were genuine, but his comments at the end were unplanned and unnecessary," Klaetsch said after the news conference.
Dollars to dough-nuts "nigger nigger nigger" was the most genuine thing Dagoberto said all day, protestations to the contrary.

*Two names, four words: Ed Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer. (Not bad for a state of less than six million.)


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

That went well.

It's funny to see the weasels undermined by a supposedly subservient troglodyte. Next time, they'll make sure the script to their crapfest is adhered to.

M. Bouffant said...

Flies Off Handle Easily Editor:
The "widely known Milwaukee-area real estate developer" "who ran for alderman in Milwaukee's 8th District in 2004," may have been clumsily quoting/mocking Republicans, also too:
"The remark came at the end of an impassioned speech in which Ibarra criticized the failure of both political parties to produce comprehensive immigration reform, a failure he attributed to discrimination against Latinos.

'If you're white you're OK,' he said. 'If you're not white, you're selling drugs, you're smuggling, you're no good.'

Later, in a telephone interview, Ibarra at first denied describing the president with a racial slur.

'I was making reference to what Republicans say,' he said.

He later apologized for the comment."

A thin line to walk.

Perhaps the Zombie Telegraph will advise.

Weird Dave said...

Hockey Night In Canada?

Pupienus Maximus said...


Trying to lure Jonah Loadpants to the gay side?

M. Bouffant said...

Carbo-hydrated Editor:
I doubt if proper English will lure him anywhere.