Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Time On His Hands

Weird Dave looks deeper into the local Holocaust Museum:
A Google User
2 years ago
♦ weird and ugly sewer system in disguise
Might be a little harsh. Never been in myself; here's a top view I got w/ my new drone:
The path around the two triangles of sod is a good spot for shots:
North north east.


Weird Dave said...

Yeah, seams a little harsh to me, too.

I was wondering what a one star review of the Holocaust Museum would be...

M. Bouffant said...

More Guesses Editor:
The park it's in/next to is really a flood control basin; that may have given whoever the sewer idea.

One star? Most likely someone told them not to touch something, not to go behind the rope, or not to scream & run in the halls. That brings the righteous indignation.